Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A recent excerpt from my Dream Journal.

 Last night, I dreamt that there was a horrendous evil girl, presumably with blonde pig-tails, whose annoyingness (she was quite obviously taken from the web comic that my freckled friend in Robotics showed me) was so intense that the most Horrendous Tortures would be preferred to her company.

My immediate impulse is to interpret this as a dream commenting upon the ills of the Collective Unconscious. Obviously, if we were to all consider the true terrors of the world, the notion that mere 'annoyance' could rival the horrors that my dreams produced (adequate portrayals of the Actuality of the Naruka worlds which so many wretches occupy) is Absurd. This could quite obviously be seen as a parallel, also, to the Marissa situation: the sheer nonsense of this 'nameless', 'unseen' villain invading a fortified compound, and these Poor Souls preferring Nazistic horrors In Favor of Group Thought to the unseen devil of her appearance which (as such things tend to go) did not ultimately manifest as expected, despite an earlier appearance.

ii. I have been developing my extroverted intuition almost as a form of 'selling out'. I long even more for a Niche in Escondido or San Marcos. Somewhere serene, where I am not Overwhelmed by myself nor Encroached upon by Extroverts, but where enough Happens for me to recognise that I am Alive, capital 'A'.


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