Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Cool satori, bro.

The last time that I had seen D.M.Z. was, I think, the twenty-second of August of this year. The second-to-last time that I saw her was near the end of the summer in two-thousand and nine.


I have turned this fact over and over like a stone in my mind for several hours. It is simply difficult for me to accept that four years had elapsed. Finally, after making the calculations enough times, I snapped. I yielded to the insanity of obsessing over this minute detail.


It was at that moment that I had what the Zen Buddhists call a satori. In a fleeting moment of recognition that nonetheless cleared away all substantial confusion (though by no means sparing me the responsibility, afterwards, of defending this fact with an ardour to surpass its own momentariness), I understand why my inner, predominantly unconscious Buddha mind had set this impossible problem for my ego.


Essentially, what I had done, without knowing it, was that I asked Dana, within my head: “I last saw you towards the end of the summer of 2013. I had last seen you, prior to that, towards the end of summer 2009. Four years have not passed.”


Were I more quick-witted and confident at the time, I would have understood the answer to the riddle immediately. This is the answer: Time is an illusion. It is also relative. What may have been four years in theory was not four years at all.


My only hope is that it had not been four years for her. Judging by the fact that she has been even more evasive than when I first met her, being a thankfully private person, for an extravert, it may have been more like eight years.


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