Monday, February 10, 2014

On the Qualified Value in Conformity.

On the Qualified Value in Conformity


According to Kohlberg, most individuals live on the Conventional Moral Level. The mind must fear not only for its own safety but for its utility in the aid of others’ progress. If the nervous system is of secondary importance, possible harm done to it is only one factor in the value of conformity. Conformity is a survivalistic necessity which may be in accord with the Unconscious, yet it necessitates at once being aware of a “truth” and being aware of its illusory nature: A kind of schizophrenia that only tremendous discipline and adventurousness can help us to transcend. Overcoming the will to truth and an excessively Dyonesiac worldview may help, but the problem will not be resolved without social change and psychological transformation on a large scale.


Any sense of “futility” arises from this human social predicament. Something is only futile so long as one holds an unrealistic ideal in mind. Yet all ideals are unreal because they are sheer qualities of mind, when the mind is not fluid and childlike. When will is in accord with ability, man enters into a flow state. When he is not in accord with the flow state, he strives for ideals, which are mere representations of reality that have little to do with Actual Life, except where the manipulation of ideals helps to deconstruct subconscious programs.



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