Thursday, March 6, 2014

On Intersubjectivity and the Sinking House.

In light of my conversation yesterday with ---, the notion of the Sinking House seemed absurd. Yet why should I have my insights cast into obscurity? I don't know if he bothered to remember every detail of the conversation. If he were to make the same investigations, would he attain the same results?

-------- always casts light upon this predicament, because of her memory-loss. No matter how much we may repeat a given experiment of thought, we can NEVER attain CERTAINTY that we had hit all the bases; we only endure in the repetitions until we attain a state of comfort, but no Certainty Construct remains within the mind to tell us "we did that"; it rests only in the heart, as a guess as to the fact that we do not delude ourselves.

Even if two people AGREE with some certainty that they discussed this or that, that's a leap of faith. One is tempted to remember things in the most convenient way, and birds of one feather share a common cultural view of convenience. Yet what actually occurs in each individual psyche will always be condemned to Mystery.


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