Sunday, January 15, 2017

A Tale of Trust:

We need to do some thing about the Tapeworm problem. I had a bad day and days like this it unsettled me that he has gotten away with so much. It is not right. There must be some sort of Divine Plan to assure justice in this respect. And it would probably involve you.

He had pretended towards my friendship for five years. When it mattered most he betrayed me and it was divulged to me that he harboured personal motives that contradicted mine. This must stop. He must not be allowed to purport his loyalty towards others when in reality he intends to impose an alien(ating) will. That lies outside the scope of his manageable sovereignty. I would have thought him shocked to find that I could contradict him after five years. But in fact the shock was mine that he would contradict me, and shamelessly. My mind still cannot comprehend the impact of his parasitic words: that he would regard what "I wanted", with an emphasis upon ME, as secondary to his OWN agenda. Added to this was the nature of the betrayal: the fact that I was literally in no position to defend you for up until that point I had been led to believe that our condition as adversaries was a friendship. Then there was the fact that he never formalized our adversarial conditions, so his act of war was totally without warrant. Add the emotional impact that in place of gratitude for the privilege of my company, and for the gift of my trust, without the combination of which no conflict could have even befallen, he took for granted these conditions as though they were the workings of a totally impersonal will. (Hence I was depersonalized.) then consider the absurdity underlying the fact that he took advantage of some thing that had clearly been a mistake upon my part but that was not my fault for the reason that he was the one who chose to take advantage of it. So it would follow that any attempt to remedy my mistake should benefit me and not him, (again: an absurd dichotomy, but not an unmanageable one where Justice is concerned) but instead HE pursued his OWN benefit even whilst BLAMING me for the mistake that had made such a benefit possible! In short, if I am to blame for my own misery, then so is he, and if he insists that I was mistaken in trusting the two of you together then he must absolve himself of perpetuating the mistake by allowing you to take advantage of the circumstances. (This allowance is of course not the absolution but the perpetuation.)

There is no way around it. He committed self-interest, the most irrevocable and depraved of sins. The only question remains: what is your plan to bring him to justice? My attempts to outsleep him in terms of women has met with undue failure.

We should work together. It would be fitting, given that the two of you conspired against ME.

I know you shall see justice done. You would regard it as a smudge upon your honour to condone this violation of both Golden and Silver Rule of Ethics. Besides: (and this is a big aside) if any one pledges loyalty towards me, that is an investment in my Honor. How can one shamelessly then harbour dissent? There would be no necessity for dissent if the conditions are mutual and the trust informed. Notice my use of both the hypothetical and the present tense in one sentence. Clearly by this I mean that the present encloses the hypothetical; if the conditions are NOT mutual, and the trust is ill-informed, then of course a deviant hypothetical narrative is conceivable. But to suggest that this narrative, made actual, was conceivable from the start is to admit towards one's present debauchery and guilt as the ill informant. Finally, this course is a failure to reach the realm of Moral Absolutes, which every one involved had pledged to, and so the decision to exclude me with the thought of personal gain is tantamount to rape, both of me and of you, for it violates the entire rational system of justification that must by necessity precede and follow the act of sex. In short, Tapeworm has failed to demonstrate humanity. A proverbial "fail @ life". And I will see justice done. As I am sure you will once your strength has recovered. God knows that, all most two years after the fact, mine is still just barely seeping back.


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