Sunday, November 9, 2014

M.A.H.O.T.Po.C.M. 1

M.A.H.O.T.Po.C.M. 1

Myths and Hypocrisies of the Politically Correct Movement.

Reflections from a student of Philosophy, particularly Phenomenology.

Myth #1: Women are exploited by the mass media for their sexual appeal, thereby disempowered. In truth: Women consensually participate in music videos and stage performances that allow them to express their femininity, which includes their sexuality. One need never feel guilty for feeling a sense of attraction to them. (The same applies to men.) If one does, it all ways reveals an underlying insecurity about one’s own feeling. Keep in mind that we “notice” in Art really what we project our selves. It may in fact be there and be intended, but we cannot become aware of it without entertaining the possibility of it first.

Life is oft a struggle between the will to dominate and the will to love. Sexuality is a form of Love, whereas Ideology is an attempt to dominate. The will to power cannot comprehend Love except in its own terms. Hence Political Thought insists that the origin of sexual attraction is “social conditioning”. Yet in fact there is no such thing as a “definite society”. “Society” is all ways a projection of the individual psyche, because no two of us are exposed to the same sum total of people. What we find at fault with Society is therefore a projection of our selves.

Why, if Society is an individual phenomenon, does it appear to be pervasive and unitive? The answer is that Love is sparse and power is strong. The Astrological Community explains that this period in history (The Age of Pisces and Era of Pisces, as well as the Epoch of Pisces) is bound to be fraught with “false prophecy” and rigid systems of control. Fascism operates in such a way that a large mass of people believe in a Truth without having the nerve to question it, thus internalizing it, however dubious, out of fear and making it their ethical calculus rather than going by their own inner hearts and intuitions. College campuses are proliferated with hostility towards the individual, drawing attention only to history’s scapegoats while ignoring the inevitability that without a proper guiding light any one of us risks committing the same evil (in fact, moreso to the degree that we are swayed or enflamed by it).

Perhaps only a minority of women and only a minority of men have the raw nerve and power to be sexually empowered. These will be the kind of Strong class that make it to the top. The system is not corrupt, and whatever corruption exists within it is still manageable to the talented musician and entrepreneur.
Simply that these individuals (and I am thinking specifically of women) “conform” to a “sexual standard” is nothing more than a reflection of the hostile power attitude that looks at its own attraction with scorn and thereby label and project their own distorted views of sexuality upon the art. Whatever conformity may be apparent is to Nature, not to society or ideology. Since “conforming to society” is all ways done poorly, revealed in its earliest attempts to be a neurotic reaction to one’s own narcissistic projection, the sense of confidence that these women employ should be evidence to the contrary: They are powerful individuals. The only question is: Do YOU have the nerve to admit that you are attracted to them? Or do you lapse into Power and a feeble imitation of Goodness that seems strong because of the façade put on by others in the Cultural Marxist, Politically Correct Movement? Whatever your choice, do not blame others for your own desires. (This is of course directed primarily at men, but to be safe I will extend this to women and invite them all so to examine the men in these videos in a similar light.)


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