Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Malice of the Equalist:

You little bitch. What do you hope to GAIN by leveling with me? That a man might have to answer not only for his OWN sins but for those of every man who wronged him? That it would not be SUFFICIENT that he criticise the man who wronged him? That he could not LEARN from the wrong doing of his assailant and crusade against it, watch full of its each appearance lest he permit the wrong to be committed again by any other. What malice you must possess to suspect the VICTIM of this, as though to add insult to injury and to salt the wounds! Is there no refuge from evil? Now you mean to tell me that the poison from the wound has spread to the Heart! MUST the victim be vigilant now of his self, at a moment when he needs most to be confident of his self and vigilant of others? MUST he turn his keenest eye inward as still other rascals take advantage of him? NO! What do you hope to GAIN by this? What am *I* to gain? What are WE to gain? And most importantly: What will THEY? Do you think honestly that I would bewail my own agony were it not the agony of watching an other suffer? What does it bother you that YOU suffer that I might my self heal? Would you have to watch one of your own suffer? Until you do you shall not fathom my pain; you only have enough room in your heart for one. IMAGINE the pain of two! And when the heart was most open!!


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