Saturday, January 24, 2015

Another Reason why Science is Evil.

Another Reason why Science is Evil.

Perhaps the most important scientific concept i was able to find that is an instance of scientific epistemology transcending its self is Jung's concept (taken from another professional whose name escapes me) of Participation Mystique. One would be wrong to presume that I impulsively adopted some thing I read off hand. In fact. As in many instances of this nature. Jung simply supplied me with the necessary word for an intuitive inkling that was trouble some in earlier youth because i could never find an other who might lend me a word for it.
Participation mystique is a primitive mental habit that persists in to the modern psyche for chiefly Utilitarian reasons. It is closely related to subjectification and projection. There is no denial possible of the fact that it exists. Or. Rather. Persists. Rather than encountering a phenomenon with freshness of insight the observer sees in place of it all the associations made by memory. Projected back upon it. This is a defensive strategy. By re cognising the object the subject can hope to 'understand' in what manner he or she should behave based upon past experience. Un fortunately for him this is a phantasy.
The object never behaves in the fashion that a cognitive representation does. The cognitive representation is subject to only mental laws. All laws are grammatical in essence. It is impassible to dis cern the representation of a physical law from the physical law its self. Either historically or experimentally. Historically. It is clear that all common sense is only so because of the familiarity of grammatical structures. No coin cidence that we developed the notion of brain functions and social functions whilst structural functionalism was relevant in the Arts. Man stamped the World with his Seal.

Experimentally. Since we know that signification goes on indefinitely then all scientific rhetoric is simply an elitist word game that only creates the illusion that it can step out side of the micro cosm of theory and signification. Theory ceases to be news and begins to be entertainment. All resemblances to beings living or dead are purely incidental. Science fiction becomes a redundancy. People riot in the streets in the midst of a coup.

Experimentally. This theory never describes That event. All physical laws are them selves representations. They are all ways linguistic in nature so there fore they are functions of grammar. This is why all scientific texts are written with grammatical stringency. The scientist is just a talent less author that employs no imagination in the Description. He only conforms to grammatical and metaphysical norms. Like any poor writer. In the stead of risking popular appeal by probing meta physically into a tea pot. Involving us in it. In stead he says tea pot. This by its self is a false implication: that there Is A tea pot objectively that all rational beings can agree to and upon.

Utilitarian. This is very affective. One can lend the objective logos the authority of natural law. To dis obey is unnatural. We can all agree about that kettle. Now set it. We can all agree about those dishes. Now wash them. We can all agree about that nigger. Now hang him. We can all agree about that jew. Now gas him. Utilitarian objectivity.


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