Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Devil's Advocate: A Re-Negotiation.

The Devil's Advocate.

I do not know that I condone the obsession over Gay Marriage any more, simply because it echoes every disappointed ideal that I have with most reactionary movements. I mean: the point of rebelling against a social narrative is lost when one becomes entitled to the fruits of that narrative. Why value marriage? It is a tradition with a specific context. You would not invade, as a liberal, I am sure, Native American culture and tell them how to smoke their drugs or sing their chants. So it is that in my heart of hearts this movement that I had so prided myself in in my adolescence amounts now to little more than Manifest Destiny. That one is recognized as a respected Other is due to one's self. I have no personal problems with several homosexuals, though several others I am acquainted with bug me under personal auspices. One does not hate a label or category; that is as superstitious as hatred of the number thirteen (but now in my defensiveness I run the risk of treading upon more toes than I desire to.) the bias that a homosexual couple would be just as successful at raising children as a heterosexual couple just does not strike me as sensible, and I must instinctively dismiss such a romanticism. It is an insult to Nature. I cannot deny that my parents molded my early impressions of men and women, becoming as God and Goddess, teaching me that a man is other than a woman from a young age. Yet in this University of Duality I cannot deny the value of acknowledging this distinction. If our minds are centered in the humanity of our bodies then men Must be a different creature than women. So it is that all so if heterosexuals are supposed to be distinct from homosexuals (as they are often treated when this discussion turns to mud-slinging, irrational name-calling, and ad-hominem finger-pointing and straw-manning), then all so we must presume that two of one kind may lack the very diversity that social justice warriors preach. My friends who have been raised by single parents have suffered as a result, and I refuse to dismiss gender as distinct from sex just because of Conscious Whim; pragmatism, mythology, dream research, and all other effective forms of curing neurosis dissuade me from this. Just as we respect the feminine and the irregular, just as we try to cultivate a respect for reality in spite of affect, just as we pride our selves in the dissolution of Christian Dogmatism in the face of Science and then in turn the dissolution of Scientism in favor of De-construction, so it is that we may need to shed even our Post-modern pretensions towards equality in the re-evaluation of forgotten traditions of knowledge such as Shamanism and Pragmatism. Perhaps in stead of having our point of departure in our minds where justice appears to be a lucid harmony it should be in body with its discordant and passions. Perhaps then to dismiss the differences of certain bodily types in favour of an emotivism that can only self-perpetuate by violence, condemnation, and fear (and then cruelly accuses the condemned victims of this violence and fear of their own oppression) is to de-humanise us all.


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