Thursday, April 16, 2015

Why Vaccinations should Never be Forced. Part One.

I noticed some of your posts regarding ticks carrying a new virus. I am skeptical. You probably do not want to hear this. But my recent greatest burden has been some thing a friend of mine brought to my attention. His name is Nic DeMarco and he has a cyst in his brain which is fairly out-wardly noticeable. It was ostensibly the result of a vaccination that went awry.
There will soon be a law in effect unless we manage to stop it that not only forces people to take mandatory vaccinations against all these "viruses" but that all so allows companies to tell the scientific method to screw off basically in passing vaccinations if they want to. This was what Big Pharmaceutical companies did with experimental drugs such as Risperdal and Depakote. I should know: I was put on them during a time in my life that I was following a cult and hanging out with some one who had major P.T.S.D. they triggered psychotic symptoms.
The way that pharmacists justify this is by saying "We do not know how these drugs work. But they do." Usually these are not the people taking them. Vaccinations are equally experimental. And this bill (Nic knows the exact legal jargon for it) basically lets them get away with any thing.
as was wisely put by Peter Joseph if you see it on the main stream media it is either unimportant or aimed at furthering an agenda. Not to be "tin-foil-hate" but I come from a country called the Soviet Union where people learned to be skeptical of the information they were being fed. What is even scarier than propaganda is realising that it is not true...
Mainstream media out-lets, who basically form a conglomerate with governments by virtue of such legislation as the T.P.P. (look it up! or don't. Either way though:) make all naysayers look like fools. This is why the stereotypical denouncer of forced immunity is believed to think that vaccines create autism...
well. This is a formal fallacy. Actually there are several fallacies in this...
1. The Strawperson Fallacy. We do not believe that. Autism is pretty much intense introversion. There is no "autism spectrum"; we are ALL on the autism spectrum! If you will pardon the paradox; why call it autism if we all have it? Some people are just more introverted than others...
2. The Fallacy of Begging the Question. It's like saying: You do not believe in vaccinations, so you MUST believe this ridiculous myth that vaccines cause mental disorders.
In fact, I believe in neither mental disorders (the D.S.M.) for vaccinations. Both are in the hands of Big Pharma.
*nor vaccinations
3. Where do you think that "ridiculous rumours" come from? Even despite the prevalence of Illuminati videos the people who believe in them are a ridiculed minority. I have many views that barely get any hits on youtube, whereas meghan Trainor is every where. So who is really in charge of widely held beliefs in the Mass? The media! And by circulating these rumours and then shutting them down they create a propaganda hoax.
As the post-structural philosophers said: All language only refers to other language. All media only refers to other media.
Again: Sorry if this was not what you wanted to read at the moment. I was curious about what you were posting on-line. You seem like an interestin and intelligent educated person. Whether you agree or not, sincerely, Dmitry.


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