Thursday, November 12, 2015

A Tale of Spouses. EXTENDED:

A Tale of Spouses.

Once there were a woman and a man who lived together. They were engaged in a monogamous relationship. The woman daily left their home to go to work at her place of employment. The husband mean while stayed at home to watch the dog.
One day, after a considerable day at work and a rough happy-hour, the woman of the house returned home in a rage. She screamed at her husband, throwing pot and pans, denigrating him as a loafer and a free-loader and sloth.
“Why don’t you ever DO any thing?” she proclaimed.
The husband replied: “I WOULD, but who will watch the dog?”
And at the thought of being compelled to surrender her career as her husband worked, the offended lady divorced him.

Whose fault was it? Before you make your assessment, note this: The husband was a minority. Not simply by being a male. But by being an introvert.

The woman sought an other mate. But her pride had been so irrevocably bruised that she could not tolerate the thought of dating an other loafer. In every photograph she saw, every feminist poster, depicting a bruised woman, her ego found solace and rage.

So she decided to embrace what was called Equity Theory. She had heard rumour of a thing called Gender Norms. APPARENTLY, men who slept with many women were applauded by “society” as “alpha males”, whilst women who slept with many men were deplored as “sluts”.

The origin of this mentality apparently originated in the Bible, though only certain Christian sects really professed the “alpha male” idea.

Fancying this unfair, the woman decided that she would settle the score. She did this by sleeping with an alpha male. Yet to do this she had to use the alpha male’s best friend, an introvert and a virgin.

Apparently, the way to settle the score was to up the alpha male’s game. For every point that she gained with him he gained one with her. But in her mind the situation was reversed: For every point that HE gained with HER SHE gained one with HIM.

In this way at least she felt that she had the last word. Even if the last word that she had was HIM.

Mean while, the alpha male’s friend remained at zero. This way, equity was achieved and the woman was no longer a SLUT.

Obviously, the alpha male was still one-up on the girl. No matter what she tried. So she moved on. She found a young man to stay with who was AVERAGE. So she went drinking with him one night. His best friend drove them to the bar and drove them home.

As the new boy-friend was asleep, past out from drinking, the best friend made a move on the girl. She consented to sex, and in the boy-friends dreams he could hear their love-work.

In the morn, the best friend had left. The boy-friend came to, awaking, and he exclaimed: “I had the most awe full night-mare! I dreamt that you slept with my best friend!”

And to which the girl replied: “Do not worry. He is not your best friend any more.”

The woman ended up suing the best friend and imprisoning him for having been sobre at the time of seduction. This helped her to pay for her divorce, for she had all ready married the cuckolded young man.


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