Thursday, November 12, 2015

A Tale of Spouses.

A Tale of Spouses.

Once there were a woman and a man who lived together. They were engaged in a monogamous relationship. The woman daily left their home to go to work at her place of employment. The husband mean while stayed at home to watch the dog.
One day, after a considerable day at work and a rough happy-hour, the woman of the house returned home in a rage. She screamed at her husband, throwing pot and pans, denigrating him as a loafer and a free-loader and sloth.
“Why don’t you ever DO any thing?” she proclaimed.
The husband replied: “I WOULD, but who will watch the dog?”
And at the thought of being compelled to surrender her career as her husband worked, the offended lady divorced him.

Whose fault was it? Before you make your assessment, note this: The husband was a minority. Not simply by being a male. But by being an introvert.


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