Tuesday, May 17, 2016


What is the Self? If you would define it by monetary self-sufficiency, then it is simply a Corporate Conspiracy. If you define it by a Soul that carries Sin around, then you are just dependent upon the Church. If it is defined by one’s possessions, it is only a measure of one’s Greed. If by one’s accomplishments, then just one’s Pride. If by one’s sexual exploits, one’s own lust. The very Church that condemns your Soul for Sin nurtures the very Sin its self!
All that rests in this Universe and all that moves is influenced by every other thing. Ties both visible and invisible, perceptible and imperceptible, BIND us. Yet they all so LIBERATE us. For if you are dependent upon Slaves but you deny it, then you are a parasite, and a slave to your own parasitism. If you depend upon foreign countries, spiteful farmers with whom you have stricken an ungenerous bargain that can only feed half your people and even less of theirs, then you are such a parasite.

But if you depend only upon the Universe, then you draw Life from the Universe, and all other life draws that same Life Force from you. And only then are you free of bondage, for you are neither Master then, nor Slave.


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