Monday, June 6, 2016

INTERFERENCE. Part One: Chapter Eleven.

Chapter eleven

The doors slid open. He faced the familiar red corridor. Two doors occurred along the wall to his left. A third, not as near to him as the nearest of the two doors but not as distant as the other, rested about halfway down the hall on his left.
A figure stood silhouetted partway down the corridor closest to the door to his left. The man had what looked like goiters enveloping his head like cobblestones on a pillar.
Fritz's heart jumped into his throat, screaming in an agony that rose into his throat from its point of departure, culminating in a nerve-racked bellow that tore his throat and rattled every tense fiber in Fritz's head like the uncertain chain of a swing.
The man was unphased.
Fritz scrambled to find the 'emergency door close' button. There was no such button on the control panel. And the door would not close of its own volition.
The man began to approach.
Fritz screamed repeatedly. An entire day's aggression and tension escaped in several momentous stabs of terror. Fritz's eyes rolled back.
The lights of the elevator stared down at him like the eyes of bees about to devour him like a smaller insect. Fritz bellowed at them, as well, and the erratic waves of his oscillating roars became words.
'Get the fuck away from me!!!'
His heart was now beating in his brain. His precious lobes throbbed, and he thrust his head forward as though to direct his aggression at the figure. It felt like slamming his head against a glass wall.
It spread throughout the entire corridor like a swarm of ants, leaving the silhouetted man unphased.
Fritz backed into the chamber. The white lights of his own elevator, pale and lifeless, were the most terrifying part.
They evoked the eyes of a bee about to tear him apart like a smaller insect.

The door shut him inside with the lights. He had overestimated the space of time, staring at the strange man. The figure approached him briskly, but did not rush, as the door shut, stopping halfway through its close. Fritz's heart fell back from where it had lodged.


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