Saturday, January 14, 2017

A Tale of Inversion:

Traditional gender roles dictate that men are supposed to be masculine and that women are supposed to be feminine. There was no conspiracy underlying this. It was simply a cosmic trend. Women received feminine energy and men received masculine energy. The balance was maintained, albeit precariously, through the observation of traditional roles.

As time progressed the balance eroded. The masculine became overvalued and the feminine was repressed. However there was a balancing tendency manifest in the fact that a minority of the male population adopted feminine roles. These men were estranged from both their male brethren and the majority of females who felt no need to have men in their lives who would simply mirror their own submissive tendencies. Yet a minority of unconventionally masculine women loved these men, for these masculine women saw value in the femininity that they themselves lacked. These same women all so modeled their own masculinity after adult father figures, observing the masculine tradition with humility and respect.

The contemporary crisis mirrors a cosmic crisis. Women are now receiving masculine energy and men are receiving feminine energy. Women are becoming men, and they are doing so collectively, not individually as before. They have severed ties with the masculine tradition, and so they are behaving like adolescent boys: in short, patriarchal bastards.

Patriarchy is not to be confused with the masculine tradition. Patriarchy is simply an unintegrated and immature form of masculine energy. In Spanish the term is "machismo".

The concept of Equality is a masculine concept. Its antithesis is Inequality. The former is Ordered and Leveling; the latter is Chaotic and Subtle. Only by balancing equality with inequality can the genders coexist harmoniously. To presume entirely upon either Equality OR Inequality can only produce disaster.

Inequality, once vilified a priori and with cruelty, becomes by avenue of repression the very Devil that it was accused of being to begin with. This proves nothing except for the raw power of ignorant repression.

When women behave like patriarchal bastards, their demands for equality are most easily met by patriarchal bastards. The male of macho persuasion need only to compromise his machismo a tiny bit in order to level with a modern woman. He can then treat her with all the roughness with which he wants himself to be treated, and thereby an unstable but nonetheless mutual confluence is established.

Equality becomes most difficult to the sensitive man. It is insufficient to treat women the way that they wish to be treated; they expect you to KNOW what they want, only because you are a man. The presupposition is that all men want the same things. It would thus follow in theory that if a man is sufficiently egalitarian to meet social standards then he will automatically accommodate the desires of any woman by simply treating her how he himself wishes to be treated. Underlying this is the final conceit that how any man wishes to be treated is in fact how any woman would want to be treated. This is Equality.

But not all people wish to be treated the same way. Not all of them even want to be Equals! The sensitive man wants to be seen as a nurturing, compassionate, and yielding being. He wants to reward women for their own sensitivities by offering them the opportunity to be nurturing, compassionate, and yielding. Yet modern woman hates to be regarded as possessing such feminine virtues, which she regards (falsely) as a demeaning regression.

In the past women were rewarded for being feminine. In the present no one is rewarded for being feminine. In the past even men were rewarded for being feminine, via a reversion of roles that was peculiar but efficient. In the present, the roles are flipped for every one, but the feminine role is never rewarded. Woman fails as man because she does not wish to listen to masculine tradition. The result is that she competes with man (in a very boyish fashion) for the coveted male role. The man fails in his new feminine role because women do not possess the sufficient masculine maturity in order to fulfill the chief purpose of masculinity: to serve and to protect femininity, and to reward and nurture it.

In this sense masculinity becomes femininity because to nurture femininity is to be nurturing and to be feminine. But since no one wants to nurture (as a rule, and by that I mean to suggest that there are rare and precious exceptions) this synthesis, the ideal of Integration, is seldom achieved. And so society falls out of balance and into total discord.


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