Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Trump Chooses Life:

So I noticed that a lot of you are all riled up about the Trump executive order against abortion.

Personally, I don't blame him. But an elaboration is in order visibly:

I was recently informed by a wandering mystic and astrologer (in short: the ultimate source of feminine energy in a masculine social structure that prefers science to intuition) that the Universe is sending women all the masculine vibes and men all the feminine vibes.

This metaphysical explanation accounts for the seeming fiasco embodied in a photograph of Trump signing this executive order surrounded by men.

Consider this alternative view:

Those men of the present are the women of the past. They are nurturing the unborn young who have not yet even DEVELOPED gender. The young that we all were at some point or an other.

At an earlier stage of human history women would have stood in protest against their sons being sent to die in war.

Now, men are playing the same role, standing in protest against their children (of either gender) being sent down the drain in the rawness of innocence.

So welcome this as a drastic reaffirmation of life and responsibility! For even the victim of a rape must be responsible TO her circumstances. Being a victim does not entitle one to victimize others. And the unborn fetus is untouched by male privilege.

Do not use it as the scapegoat for misandry. Rejoice that life even is! For it is so precious.

The feminine is crawling back into Western society under the most unexpected guise.

For the first time: Trump has my support.


P.S. Women have only worn the masculine mask for several years. If they do not heed the advice of men who have carried this torch for millennia, if they refuse the well of wisdom in their hubris, they shall become a worse force of patriarchy -- uneducated masculinity -- than any male dogma that history has yet seen.

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