Tuesday, October 17, 2017

PHARMACEUTICAL PHASHISM: (and the Cult of Mental Health.)

Every imperial society has at some point or an other led a sort of witch hunt. Jungian Psychology, one of the few remaining spiritual disciplines in the world that is still in practice, explains that in a codependent community, preserved by a common egocentric image, all of the negative, repressed traits that the majority of people do not wish to admit to are misattributed to a proverbial “scapegoat”.
Psychiatry is the only institution in the United States of America that can:
a.    Restrict a civilian’s Right to Bear Arms for five years based not upon the commitment of a crime but based upon suspicion.
b.    Give parents free license to forcibly drug their children, indefinitely.
c.    Give hospital staff free license to forcibly drug their patients, indefinitely.
d.    Promote for the lifelong imprisonment of an individual based upon suspicion of intent.
e.    Promote for the lifelong forced drugging of an individual even outside of the jurisdiction of a hospital.
f.      Perform experiments upon non-consenting human beings, with the ultimate intent of maintaining Social Order and Profits for Drug Companies.
g.    Deal amphetamines to children, calculating an addiction prior to the legal age of consent.
h.    Appeal to the egoism of a group in such a way that pits that group against an innocent scapegoat.
i.      Legislate what is or is not a legal form of “reality”.
j.      Administer punitive measurements against an individual based upon that individual’s religious eccentricities.
k.    Create an oppressive double-standard according to which any spontaneous act of protest (such as a victimless act of violence that does no harm to either person or property, except for producing the emotional response in others that was itself the cause for the protest [in whose case violence forces EMPATHY and JUSTICE]) is treated as an offense with a life sentence.
l.      Can achieve all of these ends by means of passing judgment NOT upon the victim’s ACTIONS but upon his SOUL, and based NOT upon hard evidence of wrongdoing (a Romantic pipe-dream for contemporary Law Enforcement) but rather upon theoretical discussion of what MIGHT have happened, as though the suspect were INCAPABLE of KNOWING.
m. Can appoint drug addicts to the systematic overseeing, exploitation, and abuse of mental deviants with “developmental disorders”, even without subjecting these de facto slave drivers to the same degree of scrutiny that these and other mental deviants are subject to.
n.    Can outright lie to hospital patients.
o.    Can forcibly inject someone who is not a convicted felon, often with drugs that are still in an experimental stage.
p.    Exploit legal loopholes by appealing to Public Fear.
q.    Diagnose someone with an invented disease that is by its very nature “mental” and has no physical proof a priori, but is only perpetuated as a prejudicial pop culture myth by the exploitation of the Scientific Method (which by virtue of its falsifiability enthrones Theory as Fact in place of any sort of Absolute Ground, and which precludes the possibility for the diagnosed patient to appeal to the existence of such an Absolute Ground once the diagnosis is being made).
r.     Systematically restrict intelligence and lie about the ostensibly “Rational” nature of Human Life and Beings, effectively dehumanizing people who are disillusioned in any capacity.
s.     Make its diagnoses based upon only a subjective interpretation by a nurse of the subjective account of the patient, rendered “objective” only by arbitrary association with a set of traits (appearing on a checklist) which can be applied to any individual at any time in any place with the same precision.
t.      Diagnose differences of ethical opinion as though they were physical disorders.
u.    Diagnose physical symptoms as though they were ethical infractions.
v.    Treat both physical symptoms and ethical opinions as though they were crimes, creating a de facto criminal outside of de jure jurisdiction.
w.  Deny that a criminal is being charged with a crime.
x.    Force an agenda by stripping chosen deviants of human rights and pitting laypeople against one an other for suspicions of madness.
y.    Totally isolate and marginalize a human person, misrepresenting the peculiarity that comes with Ability as Disability, redefining Disability to mean “Threat”, creating the very environment for suicide and other forms of violence under the false auspices of preventing it, and invalidating any testimony on the part of the Oppressed by virtue of the SAME ISOLATION and ALIENATION OF MIND that the system itself had created.
z.      Can do all of this not only for the Common Good of Society, but for the individual’s Own Good.
And those were just the few that I could fit into the English Alphabet.


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