Thursday, October 26, 2017


Both critics of gun rights and advocates for them are victims to the same fallacy, and that is Self-Interest. Gun nuts, representing conservative America, mean to use weapons as a defense against “tyranny” and in “self-defense”. But their critics, representing neo-Liberal America, would have those same weapons WITHHELD and BANNED from the Public for fear of the Social Deviant and Martyr who might use them towards “ill ends”. But the critics are just as deluded as are the nuts, because they PRECLUDE THE POSSIBILITY that the martyr is justified by self-righteousness. This ideal, self-righteousness, which is defined as righteousness without reference to the Public, is in fact HIGHER than self-INTEREST, which is devoid of righteousness and which is predicated in the fallacy of a “Separate Self”. The critics are transparently fearful NOT of enabling an unjust cause, but RATHER of their own SELVES being caught in the crossfire of an other’s Crusade. And herein Liberalism violates Human Liberty and Human Rights. “Self-defense”, originating out of self-INTEREST, is a sin and a crime against humanity when it amounts to violence. Violence can only be a means towards the end of JUSTICE; it cannot in fact be an end in and of itself, and neither can it serve as a just* means towards self-defense as though self-defense were an end in and of itself. Some men live their lives in a constant series of abuses towards other people. They refuse to hold themselves accountable, and often they operate within the confines of the visible law.
*Precluding Justice the entire discussion becomes moot.
Both of the Old Americas, the Right and the Left, agree that the Individual Self retains a “right towards Life”. Yet a right towards Life can only be MAINTAINED by SURRENDERING one’s own interests to the Will of the Society. Only then can EVERY Life be preserved. The Individual cannot preserve his OWN life by HARMING the lives of others, either actively or through neglect. In the first place, he is committing an intellectual sin, against Reason, by harming himself VIA others; one does not “defend oneself” by shooting oneself, and so it follows that one cannot defend oneself by shooting Others. Other and Self are part and parcel; to pretend otherwise is to be guilty of the very DELUSION that both liberals AND conservatives ascribe – wrongfully, usually – to the Martyr. Guns by design cannot be used as shields, but as swords; their function is always and inalienably aggressive.
What follows is that the Individual does not retain the right to preserve his OWN life, for he cannot do so without inflicting harm upon an other. Nothing can justify this misdeed. Whereas the self-righteous martyr can be justified by his own Reasoning in taking the life of a narcissist, for instance, the narcissist, should he kill the martyr in self-defense, violates his OWN reasoning. He arbitrates, WITHOUT CAUSE, that his life is of greater value than his opponent’s life, and he presumes that he requires no Cause to take it. Self-preservation is not a Cause; one never knows if one’s (potential or actual) killer is or is not justified until one has seen things from the Killer’s Own Perspective. To kill the aggressor only preserves one’s ignorance. One might in fact be deserving of Death but refusing to be held accountable to it. The narcissist arbitrarily presumes that he is himself blameless, that his aggressor is WITHOUT cause, and that self-defense is justified by the Cause of an unjustified aggressor. But in taking the narcissist’s Life he violates the very principle of Defense, which is the preservation of ALL Life.
It thus follows that the right to self-defense is hardly inalienable. So it follows that Life too is not inalienable. The only inalienable right is Honour. If an Other behaves dishonourably, it is better to take matters into one’s own hands than it is to live with the Shame of Being Human. An innocent, self-justified man should never have to suffer on behalf of the narcissist, granted that the innocent man serves Humanity whilst the narcissist serves a retarded conception of Self. The Most Inalienable Right is therefore NOT to save your own life, but to take an other’s Life. Self-righteousness is selfless; self is merely projected upon it. The martyr is the one who has taken the burden of All of Humanity upon his shoulders, and he has concluded, via his own God-given Reasoning, (the introverted faculty of which Compassion is the extraverted corollary) that violence is necessary, not in self-defense, but in the Defense of The Greater Good. A conscientious man might find that Reason affords him no choice, even if he must act alone and must quit his own life by the end of the ordeal. Such is the price of Honour, of relieving the Shame of Being Human in a world populated by parasites, and of maintaining Justice. The “self” ascribed to the self-righteous man is nothing short of an egoist’s misconception about the introverted quality of personal responsibility and conscience. And it is all ways an attempt to perpetuate a life of Abuse and Parasitism.


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