Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Coming Down the Mountain.

Coming Down the Mountain.

I rest assured and laugh

Upon your fate. For after

All is done it is to late

For sociopaths to match

God’s own Wrath with

Petty hate.

You have not yet proven me guilty of any wrongdoing or bias whatsoever. Any affront was only verbal, and those for whom those words were meant, and who would know, are gone. I alone now bear witness to this matter, and I’ve borne witness to YOUR wrongdoing for many a year. But given the aftermath and your pathetic attempts to escape accountability, you’ve spelled your own defeat within the Public Eye. No one will listen to you now without harbouring some secret agenda. As for bias: everybody knows that I’ve been blameless, and Ethics are not matters of opinion. Without that corrupting ego there is nothing barring me from Objectivity, save for God, who would sooner Reveal Himself than allow the Devil to have its way. I never suffered my own ego, and I only rose against the egoism of others in the defense of others, sometimes even themselves. My masculinity and discernment are only made to appear effeminate when filtered through the isolation that egoism is heir to, and it is only when I enable the egoism of others that I begin to sound pathetic. I am not reduced to poetry; my poetry is elevated by my character. And yes: I am forced to fend for myself since you won’t fend for me. But it was not I that betrayed our Common Good, but it was rather you whose will was made to deviate from mine and to do the unthinkable that Noble Men never foresee. So when you CONFESS that my position, which you have refused so shamelessly, is of convenience to me, think not that this works in your favour. The Public Eye will only ever see that (though it won’t confess it to you, wisely) as admittance of the fact that YOU are biased not only against me, but against All of Humanity. For all beings strive towards a Common Unity that she (The Deceased) fervently believed in. We all contribute to the extent of our ability, and we all benefit to the extent of our need. Justice will all ways serve the Just whose purposes are drawn from service to It. My purposes will all ways outshine yours, for it was you who chose inferior cross purposes to begin with, and this treachery remains unjustified forever. It was you that broke the Human Pact that I had made myself vulnerable by honouring. It was you who took advantage of this opportunity that I provided for you without my consent. So yes: this all will sound convenient to me. But to that same extent that you would feign suspicion of it you will demonstrate your own guilt; even if you do not feel it, we will have no doubt of it. For it was up to YOU to serve those purposes you now condemn, so that I would not have to. They were part of the Great Purpose we were both to serve, and that I served when I defended your own purposes. It is you we have to blame that I must act against you to attain my own. Narcissism is not self-preservation, but predation; what is convenient to me is yet my right; you waived that right when you made your convenience at my expense, and without my permission, when I’d proven myself capable of making those sacrifices volitionally that you took from me without consent. Can it be doubted now that you had taken my beloved’s innocence by the same means? Think not that God did not prepare me for this task of unmasking you. Think even less that she is gone. Even now she dictates to me what to say that I might use my talent to interpret God’s Will through her voice. I continue to defend her now where otherwise it would appear that I defend myself. You can’t keep us apart, for we are inextricably, lovingly linked. What little she told you she did hoping to intimidate you; if you could be made to think she hated me, then you would not suspect the two of us of conspiring, and you would fear her retribution for your own sins. I could not be told the whole of it, for she could not trust any man of our age in the wake of your evil. She lost faith in me. But now that she’s ascended, there’s no doubt she knows. And she has come back to make that clarity clear to me. She came back to tell me to forgive her by forgiving myself, and to defend her by defending myself. There is a Heaven, and Our Earth is preparation for it. God is not Dead. Morality lives. And the blatantly biased will not muddle either the eyes nor the voices of the Objective. You have proven yourself to be biased against Humanity. And all Humanity conspires in MY favour now, for I have served it loyally. No one would have hurt us as you hurt us. No one would have mocked us for our pain, calling it inconvenience. We are not evil for desiring joy, for our joy came at no one’s expense; it was YOU whose joy came at OUR expense. And God will make sure you atone.


1 comment:

  1. People can't prove you wrong cause you believe you are a good who can not be struck down .

    You are the biggest sociopath I have ever seen. You need to start taking your meds again, you were never supposed to stop .
