Friday, May 4, 2018

Opium for the Masses:

In case you did not believe in Astrology:

Alasdair MacIntyre and Zac de la Rocha, both seminal figures in the new wave of Communism, despite their distinct backgrounds, communities, and styles of approaching the matter, share a birthday.

January 12.

Capricorn. (The Cardinal Earth Sign.)

Decan: Mercury.

Karl Marx was himself a Taurus (Fixed Earth Sign) with a Mercury Decan.

Mercury rules Communications. It follows logically that the three men (MacIntyre, Rocha, and Marx) are known more for their messages and activism than for fighting the battles they prophesied. This has called them into question on accounts of hypocrisy. Be that as it may, their message and facility with language is impeccable, so if they were civilians of a Communist Utopia they would preserve their integrity as teachers. They remain admired by many.


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