Monday, May 7, 2018



This one was an odd one. In the dream the barista from the coffee house hooked up with the young man who worked there. His ex was banned from the establishment when the male barista filed a stalking lawsuit against her. Later, she had to appear before a Court of Law when he was found dead underneath the Cabrillo Bridge. Investigators wondered how he got UNDER the bridge, and not beside it. A specialist in aerodynamics insisted that the wind SKEWED his descent. At this point I realized that there might have been something else skewed as well. Within the pocket of the corpse was found a suicide note. Upon its back was a restraining order, but not against his ex, but rather against the barista. Apparently, she had neglected to mention that part, lying by omission and obscuring the lie in biased facts.

I’ve got to stop going to coffee shops. Lynch could not have MADE this stuff up.

When presented before a Judge, he argued that this case was TOO biased, but that he had seen worse cases of abuse wherein the facts themselves were unified in the plaintiff’s favour. The only trouble, he said, was when the plaintiff was himself the perpetraitor. He thanked us for bringing the evidence to him so soon. The last thing that the Court Wanted, he said, was for the plaintiff (or, should the victim prove a defendant, that) to self-incriminate falsely, only so as to appear credible and balanced, sane in what was actually an insane environment.

It must have been my visit to Balboa Park on Cinco de Mayo that prompted this. I was sure to observe a Moment of Silence when we past under that bridge. It’s not like I did not know Sean Hofmockel. But how this pertains to the girl from Starbucks still escapes me.


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