Saturday, April 20, 2019


Well. I don’t know. I mean: you ask me, “what do I want?” How can I say that, for certain? No one ever really told me, so where would I find the answer? I can tell you what I have dim views upon: on politics, philosophy, religion, sociology, psychology, etc. I can speak on these matters because they’re important to people, and I can comprehend their logic. I guess that my closest estimation is this: I want just what everybody wants, according to my studies, and I want these things for everyone. The only thing I cannot want is to exclude someone, unless that person is himself exclusive and inhuman. I want to be Human. Some people are not people. For Asimov, for instance, being human was a concrete feeling, but “humanity” was an abstraction. Bullshit!! HE is the abstraction; how could a biologist deny this? Every nuance of the private ego is a construct of the greater mind, born out of some sort of sterile consumerism and intrusive propaganda. I KNOW I am Human because I know things about Humanity; without that knowledge, how could I say who I am? Their suffering is mine; if I have cravings, they are to participate in the Great Struggle of our species towards transcendence of this Plane. As a Human, I have the authority to say that hatred is misguided, except towards the hateful. I can say that greed is a mistake and private wills are simple fluctuations in a greater trend. One cannot preserve one’s self by harming others, since all harm that humans witness is effectively the same. That has been my experience, and since I am not sure what “my” means, I might say instead “an”, and since I haven’t had ANY experience to challenge it, when not “THE”? THE Experience of Being Human. THAT is what I want. All of my Life I’ve known only the semblance of this mystic “happiness” people refer to. I am only ever less miserable; I’m most “myself” when I forget myself, in Solitude, the World just flowing in from every angle, no one to attend to or to worry for, except perhaps my dog and some plants in the garden. (Plain plants. Not the kind you might imagine me to love specifically.) I want Love, but not by means of hatred; I want children, but not to be born into some bondage. I can’t deny my hatred of those “men” who put themselves before me, not because I value myself more, but rather because I can’t understand them in a human context of compassion, and not only is my own love wasted on them, to the point of desperate hatred, but their every action threatens my Humanity and my own standing in the Human Race. I can’t deny this, but I can deny them leave of it, for their hatred must surely all ways be surpassing of my own, and where would my own COME from if not from them? I know not where they acquired it to start with. I crave harmlessness. Harmlessness towards my “self” – whatever that means – and towards others. Harmony in all relationships. I seek to remedy the chaos in them constantly, like a composer or a mathematician. I have written hundreds of poems and entries to my public log. I’ve filled up shelves on my bookshelf with journals, sometimes scrawled and others neat, sometimes abounding in leftover space and other times resourceful, but invariably necessary to contain thoughts which would flee me like a Dream if unattended. All my Life I’ve been a parent to my thoughts and friends and family, trying to keep them from running away, not so as to enslave them but to try with agony for their protection. This is who I am: a healer. But you ask me: what am I DOING with Life? And I reply: I’m here. I’m there. A volunteer. A xylophonist. A programmer. A composer. A scorned lover. A forgotten friend. An unforgettable mentor. I do not know. Maybe it’s all internal, fanciful and disappointing. So be it. I think less of myself than you may think. Were it not for you, would I even know that I exist?


This is the True Conclusion to this Weblog. I had miscounted, reading the inclusive count which counted for unpublished drafts. This is the thousandth publication. So be it.

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