Thursday, May 2, 2019

M!CA!AH: (666 mots.)

How could you probably suggest that Fascist and barbaric dictate that all must be fair, before the fact, in love and war? Must it not be MADE fair only AFTER the fact that these heavy burdens are charged with the same dictates as the rest of Life is? CLEARLY in a pursuit so engaging as love and sex only the most stringent moral minds can be regarded as attractive and deserving, and I tire of that madness that would haunt me otherwise. Nobody WANTS to be on the receiving end of this injustice, so it is impossible to justify, ever. I never would submit to such a conflict unless I were lied to prior to the fact. You cannot say that it is justified because others seek only the same happiness which *I* seek, for it’s clear that if my seeking this same happiness is just then they are INJUST by inhibiting my own pursuit of it, and NO one can be justified in seeking it if ANY one could ever be inhibited by the pursuit of it in the pursuit of it; that’s just as mad as it would sound. The Categorical Imperative is not “treat others in the way you THINK that they WOULD treat you, given power”, but “treat others in the way that YOU DESIRE TO BE TREATED”. By that definition, yes: let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. True love cares little if the woman is a bimbo or the man is a drug addict. It cares little if both sufferers involved suffer from sheer delusion. If they’re happy, you can’t judge them, yet no honest man or woman can be HAPPY leading a relationship which, by its NATURE, causes strife, and to that same extent that we desire for our passions to be VINDICATED by relationship, those same passions are VILIFIED, rightfully so, when they inhibit the expression of an other’s passion. No two people can bypass my rights and needs by some sort of emotivist conspiracy, and I will NEVER be accused of harbouring their evil in potential form by those whose sins are written all over their hands. The injured party must submit to no insult, to add to injury, for being innocent and trusting, for one’s sole mistake to be to trust, and for the fact that others, failing to atone for the mistake by honouring the purity of the intent, to turn that same mistake towards lesser purposes. What purpose could be lesser than a competition without the consent of the competitors? What could be closer to rape? And what, fundamentally, would be more repulsive to the sexual instinct in rational and altruistic beings?? The injured critic is not blamed for one’s own misery, for no such misery could ever have been self-inflicted. Criticism does not make for misery; it barely even can be said that misery alone has caused it. Criticism is not judged by the effect it has upon the critic, so how can the critic thus be judged for the effect his criticism SEEMS to have upon him? Must we not conclude that that same criticism was not the CAUSE of the misery, but rather that it sought to remedy and to redress it? CLEARLY criticism must be judged not by projection of “intent” upon the critic but a recognition of the critic’s TRUE intent according to the facts which criticism has exposed in its responses to injustice. What could be more moving, sympathetic, stirring or Romantic? After all: those same Romantics who had deified Shakespeare knew that the purest of heart was the unrequited lover, for in spite of total isolation, even from the object of his love, he could pursue that love which did not alter when it alteration found, which TRULY answered only to its own virtue and power, knowing that consent was just conspiracy against its relatively noble nature. THAT alone is fair in love and in war. Everything else is barbaric and absurd.


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