Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Okay, so here’s a RAD!CAL notion: how about, if you wish to eliminate misogyny, you begin by dispossessing yourself of misandry? I’m pretty sure that none of you ladies would prefer to live in a patriarchal society that determines your entire station in life based upon some binding, universalized standard for physical beauty and engendered behaviourism, so if you maintain that this has been your plight throughout history, why allow yourself the shame of perpetuating the cycle of abuse? The entire distinction of alphas and betas, presumably beginning in Huxley’s dystopian novel Brave New World, is evocative of a rigid class structure that is perpetuated with the consent of an oppressed populace that is happy in slavery, despite its looming and terrifying problems. I should make clear that I AM sympathetic, to an extent, with the distinction. Obviously, female autonomy in sexual affairs implies that every heterosexual woman has a “first choice” in selecting mates, and this implies the possibility of a “runner-up”. In this sense, the distinction of alpha and beta is valid, RELATIVELY, and only so, for the nature of a man’s status in this case depends entirely upon the woman in question. Why, then, must this be universalized? Obviously, a rational woman would not allow her purely personal preferences to be skewed by public opinion, since she would only by so doing be empowering the same society which seeks to restrict her freedom. A man may be YOUR first choice, but he ought not to be EVERY woman’s first choice, and you have nothing to gain by desiring a man BECAUSE he is already desired by others; you only predispose yourself and others, often against their will, to competition and confusion, devoid of genuine intimacy and trust, and EVERYBODY loses in such a conflict. Furthermore, if men were possessed of the notion that being coveted by multiple women were desirable, they would take this aggressive and uncompromising attitude WITH them into politics, psychology, religion, and the arts and sciences, which is precisely what your project is attempting to mitigate and to inoculate. If WOMEN were allowed to emulate this sort of behavior, instead of feeling ashamed for it, then they would be no better than the WORST men in these professions, and the BEST men would have found a reason to grudgingly restrict the social mobility of these unruly and irrational women. Do not fall for it.

P.S.: There appears to be a growing terror in the opinion that while men will judge you superficially in order to determine whether or not to sleep with you, women will use the same criteria to determine whether or not a man will RAPE them. More often than not, these “beta males” are well-rounded individuals with very well-integrated animas. While the stereotype appears to be that a man who is involuntarily celibate is somehow maladjusted, experience shows that plenty of men with neurotic complexes regarding women are disproportionately active sexually, simply because women are willing to assume the same toxic roles which these men project upon them and venerate accordingly. Men with healthy, integrated animas tend to see only the best in women, UNTIL THEIR GENEROUS EXPECTATIONS ARE DISAPPOINTED, usually by rejection on shady grounds. Conversely, the women who tend to reject these men will often reject them irrespective of their actual, real-world qualifications, simply based upon an unintegrated animus. What women consider “creepy” in a man is obviously not the man’s responsibility, since these irrational feelings of contempt for strangers are invariably the products of our own projections; in the case of the heterosexual woman, it is a projection of her own repressed masculinity, and often only hyperfeminine women tend to make these projections. A “beta male” is simply one who tends to resemble the negative animus, the unfavourable father, or the “bad cop”. (as you can imagine, law enforcement exploits these infantile projections to the point of cliché.) Alpha males do not in fact CONTAIN any of the positive qualities which women ascribe to them; they REPRESENT them. A growing man cannot spend his entire life conforming to Mother’s wishes for what a good boy ought to be, and a growing woman must come to terms with Daddy.


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