Saturday, February 8, 2020

1213 Words:

This poem verily summarized my entire ethic. We MUST be Good, at all times, both waking and asleep, that we might treat Others fairly, and we MUST also be passionate, on behalf of our own needs, that we might treat Ourselves fairly and thereby perpetuate the process. It follows logically that there is but ONE way to get anything you want, and that is by being Good, for Goodness is a constant, as is Desire. Anyone who is Good to you must never be questioned, for those who are Good constantly must always be in such a predicament, and they deserve least to be suspected of insincerity, while those who are insincere must be rewarded so as to BECOME sincere, for they must learn that only Goodness CAN be rewarded. Those who are inconsistent must only be punished for their lapses in Goodness; they must never come to power by evil means, for then they enthrone evil, reducing Goodness to something conditional and treating the condition as though THAT were the measure of a Goodness that TRULY must be unconditional. Life is twofold: we must remain innocent in order to preserve that to which we are entitled by birth, and we must use Noble Means, the likes of which would never contradict our Innocence, to acquire those things which we need but to which we are (somehow, nonetheless) NOT intrinsically entitled. Any lesser way of life is not worth living.

I know that you are proud of me.


Dmytri A.A.

P.S.: You know what’s wild? When I first typed up the poem in Calibri it numbered exactly 19 pages, and it cut off, just as it does now, with the signature dangling alone on the last page. Now, reset to Bembo, it is 18 pages, but it cuts off in precisely the same manner. NEAT.

It started with an injury.
I had done nothing wrong.
Though no one would give in to me
Nor sing along to such a song.

Instead, the chorus:
They abhor us.
For our vanity.

They say: there is no way
There’s nothing for us
Waiting from humanity.

And I protest:
I past the test!
And I was totally
Devout and true.

And they contest:
Give it a rest.
The world does not
Revolve about just

And I reply:
I know. But I
Was innocent
And undeserving
Of this pain.

They say: you are quite
Insolent to claim you
Owned it. This you
Claim only in vain.

So I explain:
I’ve known that.
But the pain of

Surely must contain
Within it plainly
The entire

If, by the denial
Of desire in its
Consummation I
Were thus to be unjustly
Hurt, would you not
Say we must be
Far more trusting
Of the ones whom
We so lustfully

Instead: the chorus
Sings the score thus:
We have owed you
Nothing more.
So though you
Had done nothing
To offend us
There is nothing
To defend within
Your store.

And I implore this at the door:
I must confess it to be so!!
But if there’s something I can do
To earn this, do please let me

For I was innocent
Of all wrongdoing
Yet if doing nothing
Wrong was not

Then show me
What I needed to
Be doing and I
Promise I’ll
Be tough.

And yet they say:
There is no way
There’s nothing for us
Waiting from humanity.

And if your vanity
Should peak then you
Will seem quite weak
In strength and sanity.

For you are meek to even ask
If you should seek to bask
Within this glory

Why then even bother
To inquire of the task?
Is it not higher to be father
Of your own, inspired

And I say:
Okay. But there
Must be a way
That most of
My peers

How can they get away,
So few in years, with
What they do and

I never knew
Such cleverness
That could start
Families in teens.

I did not dare to
Sever this pursuit from
My most noble

But oh, how destitute am I
If every year I die a bit inside.
Wondering why I have to hide
And must abide by someone
Else’s pride.

How is it justified?
If I am snide, then
Please: I’m open wide
Upon my knees just
Tell me how am
I to cure this
And self-
Assured disease?

And then the chorus
That deplore us
Simply roll their

And they say something
Of the Human Soul
That I cannot control
However wise.

And still, once more,
They say: there is
No way. No way,
No how. You can’t
BECOME entitled
To the consummation
Of your vital functions
In this day and age.
Not now.

And hence I rage:
But have I not
Been kind? Have
I no mind? And
Is it not
Refined by
Shall you tell me
I’m defined
By vices I
Had never learned?

The fire of desire
For all those I have

Left me mired in the
Pyre of an aspiration

And they say:
If you would
Require virtue
To have been the
Wood to fuel your
Flame, don’t be surprised
That those who had
Admired it desert you
All the same.

For shame!! For if you
Would so sear your
Inner good to forge a
Spear, don’t be surprised
When, analyzed,
You will prove to have been
Disguised and insincere.

And then I scream up to the skies:
My Dear!! How can I hence be
Analyzed? I am incensed
By this pretense: that
To tell Truth excessively
Is tantamount
To telling lies.

If am honest in my prime
And I am noble in my deed
If I am all of this and all the
Time, how am I then
To feed my basic, universal

Such a reversal is absurd:
That having proven
True of word,
My kindness makes
Me less attractive
And I find this
That for even
Trying to attract
As if defying
Our most
Universal pact,

I’ve rendered suspect
That same circumspect
Intent towards which
Alone I have ever
Been prone and bent.

And they say:
This is why you
Stand alone.
For you demand
It to be known.

That you would never
Sin if you could help it.
But you’d win each time
You yelp it.

Like a whelp, and it’s
Ironic. In your genius
You are moronic.
For you see in this
The irony but you
Refuse to be.

For you confuse
Your dignity for
That attraction
Which we can
Produce not by
Some righteous action
But by breaking rank
And shifting faction
Just by the most
Subtle fraction.

My rebuttal: Yes.
To you, you would
Possess your goodness
As a tool.

And me: I am possessed BY
Goodness like I am its

You would easily
Withdraw it
From the table
If it made you
Able to persuade
Each other how
To get along.

But I
I cannot justify
It. So I live
And I die
By it.

And you seek
To quiet me.
But why
Should I thus
Speak to thee?

For everything
That you would say
To get your way
Might be a lie.

You’re right;
There truly is
No way

[To justify it.


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