Sunday, July 5, 2020

To the Savages who tore down Christopher Columbus...:

To the Savages who tore down Christopher Columbus, all these centuries later:

Why do you think we are here?

What is it that you feel entitled to?

What is your legal basis?

Where is your Moral High Ground, HUH?

Do you pluck your rights directly from the ground, or are they GIVEN to you?

Do you invent your values, or are they INHERITED?

Who are YOU to judge the Past? You are its Product. Who are YOU to form the Future? Do you even know enough of where we’ve been to know where we are going? Will you turn the ship of state by will? Who is your navigator THEN?

There is no sin which has not made your freedoms possible. No God who would reach down to save Mankind. There are no differences between the White Man’s Burden and the Liberal Guilt, no wall between one form of Westward Progress and the history of Social Justice. All are artificial. All were totally legitimate. The Laws of Today hold no sway over the Crimes of Yesterday, for Human Rights, AS WRITTEN, never let the heroes of the past become the villains of the present. Everyone is innocent initially, and no crime can be punished ex post facto in this Nation.

Respect the Fact that Times Change.

Not one of us is God, to travel back in time, to sink the Mayflower and doom this Continent to Spanish Fascist Rule.

Learn this, and this alone:

It made sense at the Time;

It was RIGHT at the Time.

No one existed then to call it wrong, and had it never happened, then it wouldn’t be wrong now.

MOVE ON. Forget not that all History has been this Way.

Rejoice that it is so, and Love Your Fate, for it is constantly improving.

Yet, if you would squander it,
The World will fall apart,
Its roof come down upon your scalp,
Creased not from thought but rage,
As you tear down the walls upholding everything.


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