Sunday, September 20, 2020

Seldom Muddied Long: a Public Letter.

I want you to know this: that I do not come into the Lives of Others like a storm with the sole intent of uprooting their security. I rather wander in like a stream, though I don’t pride myself in my subtlety, for my waters are transparent and I only allow myself to become obscured by the reflection of the Sun and the Moon; I am very seldom muddied long.

What draws me towards them? It is optimism. I perceive the best in people; if I use them, it is only ever towards a Noble End. The question of what constitutes a Noble End is seldom vague to me. I have quite potent Visions, and I make the daily effort to resist those evil ones in favour of the Good. So clear and so immediate is this discernment that the abstract notion of a boundary between “Self” and “Other” comes, at most, in second place, quite often third or fifth. Autonomy is odd to me, abstract and vague, requiring analysis, but righteousness is unequivocal, translucent, unrelenting in its universal objectivity.

One cannot be an egoist if one is Right, and only egoists are ever Wrong. Ego is never an excuse, whether it is the Ego of the Self or that Ego which is projected on the Other, yet by that same token evil cannot be projected if the witness remains righteous in one’s Vision, and Ego in Others is transparent to those who do not yield to it within themselves.

Rest assured: if ever doubts do haunt my mind, I seldom sleep until I’ve banished them, and if I sleep I keep a record of my Dreams, seeking the counsel of my fellows constantly in their interpretation. You know this.

If I come to you, think not that you do me the favour by admitting me; I do you a greater favour by extending opportunity to you, especially if others won’t. It’s no less in your favour that I criticize you should I find the contents of your Soul disturbing. Evil I see for what it is. It would be so were it unseen; be thankful that I’m here to see it and alert you.


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