Monday, April 29, 2013

Children Know Better.

Belonging to a collective ego does not render one any less narcissistic than the innocent, awe-struck and unindoctrinated child.
This prejudice is merely a reflection of the thought of one man: Voltaire, who postulated the 'Tabula Rasa' ('Blank Slate') to describe the innocent mind as a 'mere' blank, necessitating that it be written upon by society to be rendered 'mature'.
Yet his thought was merely endemic of his culture's Zeitgeist, which envisioned an objective world independent of individual subjectivity and that revered the masculine (though this is not to be mistaken for 'male') faculty of logic over the feminine principle of feeling. This, furthermore, goes back to the masculine one-sidedness characteristic of Western culture, which postulated 'Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit' (in Latin: 'Out of nothing comes nothing'). This suggests that the negative principle -- the blank slate -- Needs the positive, or masculine, conditioning to be rendered valuable. For this reason, Voltaire's contemporaries idealised the 'social contract'.
Contrast tabula rasa with the Taoist ideal of the 'Uncarved Block'.
In ancient Chinese mysticism, the mind of the child was revered, precisely For its receptive emptiness.


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