Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Roadmap.

I. Every act by any human being and any sentient (and maybe nonsentient) being is motivated, whether with or without conscious intent, by Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.
II. Everything that anyone ever tells you is true.
III. It is ignorance that would obscure facts I and II.
IV. Because ignorance does not exist, it may be overcome by Wisdom.
V. The wise individual is one who has, to the... best of his or her ability, synthesized the truths of everyone and everything with whom or which he or she has interacted, measured against his or her own logic and experience, into a perfected whole.
VI. The process described in fact V may or may not involve conscious intent.
VII. The perfected truth of the wise individual is neither superior nor inferior to the truth of the conventional person.
VIII. A preference for the perfected truth over the conventional truth is not necessarily misguided or ignorant.
IX. There is no evidence to disprive facts I through X.
X. If any one of facts I through X should be untrue, moral behaviour would be entirely impossible.

This is, of course, not to be taken literally, but hyperbolically. The intent is to stress and strain a particular emotional attitude to an extreme so as to illustrate a particular quality of character which tends more or less to dominate my personality.

If I could have any feedback, it is: to which extent is the manifestation (although not dominion by, as in this example) this archetype (if it is one) 1. constructive/tragic, 2. pervasive and 3. the manifestation of truth?

Comment back.


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