Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A Noble Question.

I find healing to be one of my chief motives in life. (Having received "Healer" as both my Myers-Briggs personality type and an alias for my Zodiac Sign.) The album that I sent to you of my music was one that I would send to several fellow musicians, attached to the words “Heal to This”. Yet some times being-empathic makes it insufficient to be-healed; one must heal [others]. You possess that sacred gift of producing MUSIC. That is perhaps the Universal Medicine. Everything is Sound. There is a theory of Healing Frequencies available to you via the Internet. You might find YouTube videos of pieces tuned to 432 Hertz(, the Vibration of the Cosmos), as well as songs tuned for Chakra Cleansing. (If memory serves: 396 Hertz, 417 Hz, 528, 639, 741, 852, and 936 Hertz.) I find that Tool’s “Aenima” and “The Holy Gift”, tuned to 432, has helped me incomparably in really gritty but reliable soul-searching.
Beyond that I can vouch for some forms of meditation and yoga, but only with a healthy background in Dream Interpretation and Mysticism (so as not to worsen the neurosis, supposing that there is one.). The Religious Instinct is all so of incredible potency for people. I my self use the I Ching and the Tao Te Ching, Tarot Readings few and far between, (it’s hard to get them done in person, but best to do so that way) and my studies into the Western Zodiac. (Though not horoscopes any more.)
Drugs are a toss-up, as is most media. They can help one to confront problems, thereby aiding their solution, but used as an escape they can become-problems in their own right. (Or should I say their own WRONG?)
Humour helps, especially humour without or with little malice. Hatred, disappointment, and above all the tendency to beat one’s own self up are not very helpful. Negative trigger words can hurt a lot, as can an excess of positive trigger words. (The mind tends to synthesize an opposite to every feeling, just in case, and some times in an excess of joy despair bubbles over and spills out of its storage unit in the Unconscious.)
Love, especially of an undiscriminating and generous kind, seems to be the main “trick”. (Though there is little to nothing tricky about it.) It may be hard for people who attract attention to attract love. Some people thrive in public. Others thrive in private. And where one heals is not all ways where on thrives.
I wish you luck. I hope that that alone, or that at least, is healing enough.


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