Thursday, March 9, 2017

Why Women Should Not March. (Obviously.)

The term “Women’s March” is of a boundless irony.
The root word for “March” has its origins in Mars, the name of the Latin God of War.
His counterpart in Greek society was Ares, whose namesake Aries means The Ram.
Aries is the first constellation of the Western Zodiac.
He is believed to be ruled by Mars, according to the metaphysics of Astrology.
Aries governs all of the masculine values that are associated with manhood, including War.
Because Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, men are considered “first”.
It follows (literally) that women occur secondly and in opposition to Aries.
Hence the two signs ruled by Venus are Taurus and Libra.
Taurus follows Aries directly. Thus women become “The Second Sex”.
Libra is the polar opposite of Aries. Hence women become “The Opposite Sex”.
This basis for gender was lost with the hyperskepticism of the Christian Church.
This hyperskepticism endured Secularism and became a cornerstone of the Rationalist Movement.
Amidst the Rationalist Movement was the similarly dull movement of early Feminism.
The first ever Feminist argument, made by Wollstonecraft, was that women are capable of Reason.
Later philosophers have rejected Reason as holding any thing more than dogmatic significance.
At best, it is one of several passions. And it is intrinsically masculine, so to valuate it exclusively is to be patriarchal.

“Mars” occurs ubiquitously in language.
Martial Arts and Martial Law are two examples.
A “march” is traditionally a MILITARY March.
The month of March contains the first day of Spring.
This is all so the principal day of the Aries Season.
Thus it represents the start of a new Zodiac cycle.
There can be no doubt, given all of these parallels, that March refers specifically to a military March.
Why shouldn’t a month be named after Mars?
After all: Mars all ready has a day of the week named after him.
In Latin languages, Tuesday is named after March. {Mardi, Martes, etc.}

When you partake in a “Women’s March”, you are literally rallying women to MARCH into WAR.
Traditionally, this has been stringently forbidden. For millennia only men waged war. Yet this was no conspiracy, except in the purest sense of “conspiracy” as a Union in Spirit.
The causes appear politely at first to be various. One theory is that our ancestors, the primates, invented war whilst passing time out in the Hunting Fields. This was the earliest form of game, and it was very brutal.
But that theory is at best an analogy, because ostensibly protein does not mutate, so human beings cannot have evolved from apes. They can only possess similarities to apes according to a common set of conditions, which are metaphysical and constant (feminine) rather than physical and changing (masculine). Evolution was developed as a theory under the masculinist tradition of Rationalism. But it was probably a fallacy of false causality. Apes are not the cause of which humans are the effect, but both are effects of the same cause: Men are from Mars, and Women are from Venus.
It was believed in pre-Christian (ergo pre-Scientific, and I shall take the liberty of using “Christian” and “Scientific” interchangeably) times that the two closest planets to the Earth, Mars on the one hand and Venus on the other, were responsible for Gender. Each planet vibrates at a frequency measured by its spin, so the musicality of multiplicity would have been the product of this duplicity.
So it followed that Mars created all “masculine” beings and Venus created all “feminine” ones.
Musical cultures, such as Latin culture, pay their respects not only by naming Tuesday and Friday, respectively, after Mars and Venus, but ALL so by assigning gender to most nouns.
The astrological explanation for the twenty-first century is that inexplicably the Universe began to send women all of the masculine energies and bestowed unto men all of the feminine ones. Hitherto men had for thousands upon thousands of years been trained in war not by culture but by nature, which is why it has remained, despite its primitivity of principle, even in the most sophisticated of civilisations.
Unto women the Universe had bestowed maternal qualities as well as aesthetic qualities. The former was the product of the Moon {hence the first day of the week, Moon Day, or Lunes, or Lundi, etc.}, and the latter was the product of Venus.
Taurus embodied the carnal beauty, whereas Libra embodied the intellectual beauty. Libra is all so to this day represented in Law by the symbol of the Scales. This universal symbol of Law is associated with Fairness and Balance. Hence women are regarded as the FAIR sex. (“Fairness” is not confined to outward, physically manifest appearance, but then I state the obvious for fear that some one else would think to point it out as though that sort of absurd reduction might rob my alternative argument of its valour.)

To complete the irony is that the Women’s March occurs on the EIGHTH of March, which is still PRIOR to the end of the Zodiac cycle. It occurs within the Season of PISCES, which is considered a Sign of Compassion and Healing, an opportunity for Unity, NOT a window for violence and aggression.
Pisces is all so ruled by Neptune, who is regarded as the Exaltation of VENUS, the final fulfillment, in other words, of the FEMININE values which Feminism wants no part in whatsoever.
The word “men” is in fact Primary, whereas “women” is secondary.
Yet to presume upon Primacy as Superiority is to make a typically macho presumption.
This is incidentally all so why there is absolutely no difference between “People of Colour” and “Coloured People”. BOTH terms are cardinally offensive, and to pretend otherwise is to add insult to injury.
“Women” is a LONGER term than “men”, derived FROM “men”, and such is all so the case with “Female” and “Male”. This is because femininity is considered MORE MATURE than Masculinity. As the Zodiac progresses the Soul becomes closer and closer to Enlightenment. So being the “Second Sex” is not only to be the “Fairer Sex” (again: a spiritual virtue as much as carnal one, though that is NOT to concede to the dangerous prejudice that “spiritual” is “better” than “carnal”), but in fact to be the “WISER SEX”.

To “March” is less WISE than to be still. So women who do so are simply fooling around with an energy that is not only INTRINSICALLY NAÏVE [because it is Masculine and Arian], but all so they are NOVICES in its application (as men would be novices in the feminine virtues, though one should not be too quick to level between the two groups, on general principle).

The proper celebration of Femininity is not by pedestalization. To delineate a day for Womanhood is to imply without warrant that either women are UNIMPORTANT all of the remaining days of the year or that they OUGHT to be unimportant during those days. Either that or the day is a naïve return to matriarchy that triggers man’s archetypal origins.

Every day should be both Woman’s Day and Man’s Day. Yet once this fact becomes muddled by ideological movements such as the Women’s March then it becomes tarnished with aggressive, combative [Martian] energy. So the mentality becomes that to resist the movement is to oppose it, and individuality is obscured. So too becomes obscured the fact that EVERY day is properly Women’s Day, but that this is only a fact to those individuals who have woken up to it, and this awakening of course cannot be imposed from without. Thus to oppose the ideology is to oppose Women’s Day, and because they are made interchangeable by obscuring the initial purpose it becomes that to oppose Women’s Day is to become-mysogynistic in the Public Eye. This is, self-evidently, barbaric one-sidedness.

All holidays that elevate one group exclusively polarise between that group and its out-group(s). All relationships are intrinsically mutual and uncomplicated but the CONTEMPLATION of them becomes complicated because it is abstracted. Ideology is rightfully called the anti-Christ because it exploits this brief period of Kafkaesque alienation and hardens these secondary thoughts into a dogma that holds such sway  that it precludes return to the naked innocence of Relationship. This Unity is what the Piscean Season is truly about, and it is the Ultimate Fulfillment of the Western Zodiac upon which all of our religion (and thereby all of our science, dogma, etc.) are founded.

When I was in high school, a mere eight years prior, no one knew that it was International Women's Day.
The broes in my Calculus class made a joke of it. I miss it. All holidays are just excuses to not only celebrate one day of remembering, but even more so they excuse forgetfulness for the rest of the year. I am happy to see you happy, but happiness becomes a cheap virtue when it is so fleeting.

Religion offers what secular liberalism cannot.


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