Friday, September 27, 2013

A very important message.



Portugal and Spain: If one were caught with 900 USD worth of heroin, the police would confiscate the heroin, and the individual would be sent to a rehabilitation facility. Since all drugs were decriminalised, conditions at rehab facilities have improved to such a degree that a person who is addicted could go to a facility with acupuncture, massage, and tennis courts for FREE. Since the government made an active choice to stop treating substance abuse as a criminal offense but as a health problem, drug addiction has fallen by 41%. Approximately half of existing addicts got clean.


The United States of America: If one has abnormally large pupils, shows any signs of being nervous whilst being interrogated by a police officer, and has sweaty palms, that individual is liable to spend eight hours in jail, under suspicion of methamphetamine use. He or she is legally obligated to take a drug test, and there would be a court date appointed that would not be dropped until the results from the blood test came back.


My father lived in the Soviet Union. He believed, for the longest time, that he lived in the greatest country on Earth. We can learn from stories like that.


The United Nations will discuss the issue of the ‘War on Drugs’ at their next meeting. Will America posture itself as the “exceptional” nation as usual? Or will we humble ourselves and live up to the ideal of a Free country?


The choice, one should hope, is ours.



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