Saturday, May 31, 2014

On the Fanatical Mindset.

1. One presumes, at the Outset, that one has 'The Truth'.
2. All of one's beliefs are adopted in a Spirit of Compulsion.
3. They are valued above Reason. They are believed because of Conviction.
4. One's beliefs are challenged by Dissent.
5. One fails to maintain muscular tension of making a futile effort to Believe ensues.
6. This tension is familiar because it is learned in the self-defense of stage 4. One identifies the tension with the sense of self-righteousness (and Rightness) that occurs simultaneously during Stage 7. It is a token of the Self-convinced Ego that only shines in preaching.
8. From the confusion at Stage 7, one re-gains Conviction. One is self-assured again because the tension is (falsely) justified and the Other 'defeated'. The Cycle repeats.


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