Monday, December 22, 2014

On the Phenomenology of Intuition. II.

And only to include that which I could have Envisioned! At the moment of conception. Now, of course, at This moment in time I have no access TO that. Because if I pay very close attention: Kierkegaard was right; Life must be lived forwards but understood backwards, because we can only understand the past in terms of our present condition and how we Edit our present condition. Therefore Memory, as it has been scientifically proven, is very fallible, because to some degree it is all ways a Construction. So what do we have? We have an imperfect experiment, as it were, which is an attempt to imagine an alternate course of action yet from the perspective of Current events. And this produces an emotional reaction in people, which would ostensibly have been the original emotional reaction at the thought of this alternative arrangement – at the thought of this alternate course of action. Yet what happens when one tries to run a more perfect experiment in one’s mind and actually exclude all those elements that are mental anachronisms, which are aspects of the future from the perspective of the time we are trying to re-create, and not aspects of the present, or, from our current frame of reference, the past. Well what happens there? What happens There is that no emotion is produced at all; no sentiment is produced at all. Because Intuitively, I all ready know that it does not matter whether or not what I’m working with is an anachronism. As Nietzsche pointed out: It is inhumane to seek information that one does not intend to use. And it is only at the moment that I intend to project what I am contemplating ONTO the course of future events, and that means building on the successes that have all ready happened and not pretending that they did NOT happen: Only then is it possible for me to envisage an alternate course of events. It’s all ways in relation to the Future, therefore. Given that, it does not actually matter whether or not in the contemplation of these songs the image in my mind that is available to me could have been available at any earlier time. Because it is the Essence of the song that I am dealing with. And the moment that I combine these essences there is a chemical reaction that cannot be recreated; that is the moment of novelty and inspiration, or at least the best imitation of novelty and inspiration – the best Controlled Accident – that I can attempt to make, that I can sensibly hope to make.
Now: What does this mean?
Well, this brings me back to an earlier point. Which is that, in fact: Inspiration is all ways new. And therefore you can never recreate inspiration because in order for you to recreate it it would have to be OLD. And novelty can only occur in the psyche in relation to something that is new. We can never step, therefore, in the same river twice. This original intuition by Heraclitus, which arguably I have developed a bias Against, because of short-sighted scholastic education, is actually totally warranted by the Scientific Method. Only, as Nietzsche would have advised, you shouldn’t need to rely upon the Scientific Method in order to intuit this. This is why the Intuition is very important; I can only hope, that if I have abandoned this Intuition, I will be forgiven and I will continue.


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