Monday, December 22, 2014

On the Phenomenology of Intuition. IV.

We can review our two experiments:
The imperfect experiment which draws upon information only available to us in our present.
And the more perfect experiment which draws upon the information ostensibly apparent to us in the past (or ostensibly available to us but only using information available to us in the past and not information available to us in the present). Now, of course, this is all ready a bit sketchy, because we are not sure that we actually have available to us right now in the present the information available to us in the past, because of the fallibility of our memories. Needless to say, the perfect experiment doesn’t in fact WORK, doesn’t produce results, or if does, it only produces them In Passing, and they cannot be re-created. The first experiment ALL SO produced results, and to some degree they can be re-created, but you don’t know whether or not this re-creation is or is not simply a continuation of the same experiment, because it Feels phenomenologically as though no time has passed at all between the original sense of inspiration and the Current sense of inspiration.
So what does this tell us?
First of all it tells us that the whole Positivistic ideal of ‘Re-creatable Results”, is really some sort of a Farce, especially if our Creativity is concerned. So Re-creativity is somewhat the Enemy of Creativity, it might be said. But there is something Else about this phenomenologically. And that is: Is that you might say in theory that either experiment Could have produced the same results. But because the results can only be produced ONCE because they are Novel, it must be presumed that whichever one we did First was the one that produced the results and therefore, if we’d done them in an alternate order, the Perfect Experiment would have produced the results. And we’d be happy. We’d go home happy.
But: Presuming upon this, we’d have to admit that either experiment, either arrangement, could in fact create the same effect. And therefore we might all so say that any arrangement, any different arrangement of songs, any different experiment could all so create the same effect. And therefore it can be said that any arrangement is not unique; it is “non-unique”. So the arrangement we are working with right now, which we originally Intuited, does in fact therefore have something to it that the other arrangements do not, and it could only be arrived at through Intuition.
Furthermore: Let’s look at it pragmatically. We can Infer, that since an imperfect experiment can still produce a result, there is something we’re dealing with here which is Unconscious on our part. We are NOT trying to re-create the past; we are trying to project the future, which would of course USE, according to Common Sense, the information available to us at present, and it would be building upon [what is from its point of reference] the Past.
So, what does this mean?

This means that just in the same way as you might say that either of these two experiments is equal, you might say that it doesn’t make a difference whether we are projecting these experiments upon the future, or whether we are looking back on the past. We really cannot set foot in the same river twice. And yet when we’re dealing with this unique instant, and the magic that we have on this album, it is unique. Even the future cannot really re-produce it; it can only challenge it or offer an alternative which would be appropriate to say a live performance or something of that nature. The point is that you could just as easily say that the Present comes out of the Future as it comes out of Past. Because even in our analysis of the Past we are all ready thinking about the Future. But theoretically…


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