Sunday, February 22, 2015

Let it Fall Apart.

Let it Fall Apart.

There is really no such thing as a society. What we call society or the system is the projection of an individual psyche upon a confluence of forces too complex to even comprehend. So never fear the collapse of such a system. It is merely a loss of innocence.
Feeding the world begins with recognizing that food is a universal human right. That begins psychoanalytically with the Self. We cannot gain total independence but we can gain ethical independence. The system will not fall sooner if we stall later; the longer that we conform to it the later it will change. We must not entertain sentimental feelings that are conditional for those who provide for us, for gratitude is debt and debt is a bondage to past karma. Those who are addicted to their habits will deny this, and to the degree that they can fathom this addiction to that same degree they will be passionate in fighting Change.
Those who fed us yesterday may become enemies today. They were surely enemies yesterday. Tomorrow everyone will eat without debt. Today they say that you should be grateful that they had a job so they could feed you. Yesterday they had a job. Today they lost it. One step closer to paradise. That energy that was expended in the service of one paradigm will now fuel a new world order. No one is in charge of it; no one knows how to run this. Those who claim to know are merely specialists in manipulation. Many of them have their selves duped.
“The vulgar are luminous, knowing. I alone appear dull and confused.”
Of course, we are all confused. Could we ever once agree about what “society” is, or even “Reason” or “ethics”, there would be no politics, philosophy or religion. The individual is the only thing there really is; society is an abstraction. I do not need to put that phrase in quotations and ascribe them to Jung to make this self-evident point clear. And Gnosis is all ways self-evident; the intelligent merely lend words to enter it into the inter-subjective sphere. It is only propaganda that opposes it. But Shiva will crush the dwarf. Its blood will feed the starving children. Do not be afraid to appear mad in expectation of it. Do not be afraid to be mad in expectation of it. No one expected the Inquisition. No one expected the Holocaust (except Nietzsche). No one expected Agrarian society (except the ancients). Over the course of history this was available to a few who were systematically silenced but not entirely forgotten.

The process of transformation is its own reward. What hostility we project upon others is usually if not invariably our own. The Zen Buddhists would have gone so far as to all most say that we can be entirely unaffected by the surrounding world. The temptation for them was to detach completely.
Virtue is its own reward. Intelligence and Good will are the two essential and indispensable and important things. Life is a process of growth so it is fruitless to regret the past. The past has passed. It would not be the present now were it not different. And if the present is an improvement upon the past then that should be celebrated rather than the past condemned. The Japanese have a word (I do not remember) for elevating another without putting down one’s self. Surrender guilt. The past is the past. Do not blame it for the success of its follower, as though the former could be jealous of the latter. That kind of resentment is only felt by people who are sore losers, be it in a game or an argument. If I seem to be a proponent of irresponsibility, I assure you that it is not for my benefit but for yours. My children will not grow up embarrassed to be alive. And in a world where gratitude is not forced but kindled involuntarily through openness and kindness, there will be less to forgive as there will be more to live for. I am not fan of the scape-goat as a technique. But nor am I a fan of guilt in general. Punishment solves nothing; publicity only gives the example set by the deviant more power. It will not influence my feelings towards my fellow man. And if you accuse me further of evasion I will make your wish come true and evade, for I do not need you to tell me who to be. The delight of being my self is enough.

Courage is necessary. Wisdom is recognizing when others stumble in the dark. The ego all ways becomes jealous and tries to blame the Bigger Man. No worry. “Cruel, but everybody does it. Thought by now I’d rise above it.” What naivete is there in a Hope that is immediately full-filled? Who can really judge except those who crave power and have hatred in their hearts? Christ was crucified because people hate hearing about Love as much as the ego hates Shiva’s foot. But hate loses in the end, I’ve heard. We could all die out and the Universe would be just fine; it would have no longer the pimple of the human race to pass judgment upon its unfairness as the occupants of planet Earth harm one another. Kindergarten boys would all ways say “Life is not fair” to justify their own unfairness. Why did they choose such as Life?

Some thing in us is stirred in a righteous anger to lift our fists in opposition to oppression. I hate that, though I should not. It is a power attitude and an act of hypocrisy. Why lift our fists to aggravate the problem? Did shame ever solve a thing? Did it not open up more shame? More paranoia and exhaustion? A weaker human community where in more dropped out and returned to the wild, haunting the civilized beings like a splinter? A feeble imitation of humanity that could not stifle one act of deviance without spinning off so many more? Never does a horror justify a horror, or seldom does it. It certainly does not resolve a social problem, but only an individual thirst that is satiated in collective blood-lust. Yet that example in turn justifies more deviance. The deviant has a form of courage, if a perverted one, by acting out the shadow of the masses and defying their cruelty by showing them a mirror. We rage at mirrors a lot.

Wherever you may find your self recognize that life is in harmony. But harmony is not stagnant or perfect. It is not “balance”. It is dynamic. You contain the Universe within you and it contains you. This stuff gets easier to understand when you have experienced four-dimensional thought. There is nothing in you that is unnatural, and time will guide you through your fear.


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