Sunday, February 22, 2015

Why we are Not Equal.

Why we are Not Equal.

Your argument against my natural humane aversion towards leveling is nothing short of circular – the same kind of circularity you claim to denounce. The only warrant you could provide in favour of leveling is an aversion to elitism. And this is the kind of oppressive dominator attitude that would compel me, if I cared less, to never talk to you again. You have nothing in common with me. We are not “equal”; you have not worked towards the attainment of such an ideal. Equality is a linear mathematical concept, not a quality of character. By equality all that you mean to say is that we are held to a common standard in the eyes of your God, and we are recognized as having an equal vote in the system of your State. You do not care about me and the solitary sufferings that brought me to my place in time. You want the world to treat you “equally”, pandering to your entitlement, as an a priori with out having earned the right. You are absurd. Equality cannot exist between two sovereign entities, for equality is a similarity, a continuity, and not a difference. Were we equal not only would we have no disagreements; we would all so have no dignity, for our differences and not our similarities unify us. Only a jealous God, the projection of an oppressive State, could force us to humble our selves before him, to stifle our natures and our tendencies to grow and to be uninhibited by each other in our growth. Only a jealous and oppressive person would stifle the growth of another and force that other to conform, dismissing all differences of situation, perception, and opinion that makes life magical and that makes decision-making arduous by playing the Fascistic, God-forsaken “equality” card. As though Excellence were not a private attainment! As though we all REQUIRED a kind of nihilistic ambivalence and absence of preference in order to co-exist! There exists surely a Higher Plain towards which a few (and God have I wished to delude my self that it was more) ascend where in there is no pain but only struggle, where no reference is made in capitalistic schizophrenia to a remote “equality”, as though we were mere dots on a line, and what is more not even dots but ONE dot, and where each strives towards one’s own Excellence with out interference with another’s private path, for each answers to one’s own private God and this relationship is so personal that only that God knows whether or not every private God is the same. Yet most have not risen to that plane. Only a few, far in between, make any sense, can offer any sanity or reprieve, and they comprise a network that is accessible to a select few as well, for while these texts are available their significance is lost on the masses who would rather parrot a collective hatred. How many times in a madness did I PRETEND that this was not so, and how much time did I waste.
You have nothing in common with me. Your relationships with each other, where in you cloister each other from the world, are every thing I will not be. If we had any thing in common we would not argue, and if we argued in spite of a hidden commonality then Life would be Absurd, but I refuse to settle for so de-moralising a proposition. You have more hatred in you than do I (I only have anger), and you clump with others for they are an out-let for this hatred. My individuality is an attack upon your conspiracy, my metaphysics an attack upon your Fascist dream of a common reality where in you, as the oppressive, dominating, capitalist Christian American pigs that you are, are justified in ruining my family and all that I love because you have influence and you call that goodness. There is no access that I have to your romance and so (though not because, but rather in addition) you have no access to mine. It is literally impossible to compare and to assign it the arbitrary value of “equal”. Leave California for once in your life and see how much people in other parts of the world care about your pretension towards “equality”. When to be similar is accorded a greater dignity than to be different, the motive is all ways that of assimilation to the Borg – of hegemony. And if you are still unconvinced and you have the nerve to equate my love with “yours”: Remember that you alone think this, and we do not. That is the final test and proof, for so long as we disagree on this point there is no equality between us. It is like any other sign assigned arbitrarily as a gesture of power, for Life does not operate according to the feeble principles of mathematics: Only the panicking and calculating mind of a dictator. Life has not requirement for Leveling because the process of freedom is a constant over coming of the Majority, of the Status Quo, and of Human Nature: A never-resolved, indefinitely undefined re-evaluation and re-definition of what it means to be Human. If God is a parent then He lets his children play unwatched and to decide for their own selves what they pretend their selves and each other to be. To break with Equality is simply to Become: To break with the undifferentiated Mass that is meaninglessness and Nihilism and to find in piercing this myst a GENUINE love for those around one’s self, who all so break this myst and excel in their own solitary way, and whose differences lend them a value that, were we all subsumed to a common self, would yield to hatred, for nothing is more repulsive than the Self. Power all ways tries to subsume things to the Self; Love admires the Other, and the Other can never be reduced to a set of mathematical qualities or bullied by conventional morality. If this seems illogical and unwarranted it is only because my experience and study have brought me to a different quality of Reasoning. Yet as Wittgenstein said the mind is all ways logical; this is not a dispute of the mind but of the Heart, and your Heart, you admit, is corrupt. You force your failing religion upon me in a hope to lend it value you ask me for advise to salvage your Soul but reject what you hear in response as heresy. Yet again: Whatever “equality” that you project upon the world is a manifestation of your Will to Power and nothing more. Whatever value you universalize will be like wise corrupt. That acknowledging another’s individuality, another’s plight and solitude, another’s oppression, another’s humanity and upheaval, another’s pilgrimage, another’s madness, is an attack upon your ego, it only reflects your egoism. You want the world to be only as you see it. You want us all at once to compete for a common goal and yet you want never to have any one talk down to you. In short you want some thing impossible except to a schizophrenic: Constant competition in an objective world but without objective superiority. This is madness. And hence you cannot allow it to be admitted within your self and can only project it upon others. I have no interest in competing with you, so I have no interest in leveling with you. No set of rules is necessary that I do not abuse my power; I do not desire power. In place of constant competition, why not in stead constant struggle, and not against others, as though to subvert them, but to overcome one’s own self? Surely then you would understand that you have no business judging another when another has known more of genocide, or of madness, or of religion, and you would know your place in these instances and have no problem asserting your superiority in others? But you must clearly have no superiority of your own; your life has been too much a bed of roses. No? Then why not admit it? If you can still cling to a feeble, jealous God, those roses could not have been too thorny. If in hearing of genocide you feel that this is the same genocide you read about on Wikipedia, if in hearing of madness you think that this is the same madness that you “dealt with” with your mother, who was no more than a frustration to you for you dealt with it but did not Dwell In it, and if in hearing another’s religion you must immediately turn a matter of the deepest personal subjectivity into a contest, as though my God had insulted your God’s honor, as though we were children of rival parents, or as though we were rival children of the same parents and you felt that I was claiming some favouritism in His eye, your offense is, as Kierkegaard said, a failure to comprehend the moment. It says more of you than it does of me, and all though you are desperate to find your self with in me unfortunately there is no commonality between us. Go in stead to your friends who will cater to your power attitude and share in the lower pleasures of the world.

In a world where one cannot excel, cannot surpass, cannot travel farther than others have dared and cannot contend with other masters, there is no human dignity, for there is nothing one can give to others and be met with generosity. Like wise in a world where there is no competition with others but with the self, where goals are not assigned but Found and where the individual strives towards a private end, there equality does not matter. There is no objective criteria that fits all, and it is useless as a policy. Compassion there is difference and inequality, for we are not dots on a line, much less one dot. We are scattered across the Multiverse, of which each of us is a private Center and one's own final adversary.


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