Sunday, October 16, 2016

Dream Twelve and the Story So Far.

Dream Twelve:

If I went to sleep secure and confident then I just woke up feeling drained, dejected, and frustrated. More than ever before I suspect now that my own father drained me of all the energy that I was putting into my pursuits, and as a mere coping mechanism. I rationalised that they would come to fruition of their own accord.
Yet this bout of Mania is fading.

The dream culminated in some thing straight out of Breaking Bad. There was a list of names: people I had to kill. I remember now that the dream from the previous night had culminated somehow in the fate of a young girl; this time, that narrative continued, following us yet again onto the Island of Games. And the games we played had grown more devious.
Death and murder on this desert island had become mere play-things.
There was no denying it available: we had to get off, to flee, and soon.


The truth is that I simply am hung over. No one is stealing my energy. I am just working through the lies and delusions of my old, toxic Scorpio friends.
BLAME is the Name of the game.
I say ‘game’ idiomatically at first, but as it reverberates in my mind its true meaning becomes clear: the game we play upon the Island of Games is the Blame Game. And who brought us there? The traitor who saboutaged my operation.
Not I. I was all ways loyal, if stubborn. Like my dog. It was that psychotic, poisonous grey lizard.
That control freak:

‘I won’t give up
If you won’t give up.’


The Story So Far:

-         Island of Blame.
-         Sky Towers.
-         Mainland Docks.
-         Puzzle Hill Playground.
-         Aquarium.
-         Shopping Town.
-         Suburbs.
Plot: Dmytri has an impeccable judge-
Ment where character is concerned. Yet his tragic weakness is that he wants,

More than any thing else, to be proven wrong. So even as things go exactly as expected they go never as he planned.
He has a chance to escape.
His home city is being over-
Run by Fascists led by a criminal mastermind known as the Joker. The Joker is himself being used by a mysterious figure Known as the Traitor.
The Joker represents frivolity and malice. Thus he is the epitome of the Gemini South Node. This explains the fact that in Tony’s dream the same [white] truck that comes again and again in MY dreams is driven by TONY, and its solitary cargo is one of BICYCLES that Tony and Kresten (both South-in-
Gemini) ride in K’s dreams. In MY dreams, it’s the JOKER that drives the White Van; in Tony’s,
Tony himself is driving. Yet I am the passenger. However, it is obvious that I am not the traitor,
For I wander off before I could do any damage, and besides this might all FOLLOW the Traitor’s appearance. Thus the traitor could be only Kresten, and this checks out with Real Life.

Thus the Seven Chakras are taken over. Dmytri flees towards the docks. There, a large vessel takes him into a refuge in the sky.
The enterprise is betrayed.
Somehow the traitor gets on-
Board and sinks the sky-
Ship right out of the sky.
Dmytri falls.
Now: Marie-Louise von Franz insists that falling dreams represent a loss of high opinions of self. Yet I must now,
After three years of stark consideration, qualify her theory.
If one plummets towards one’s doom and one’s doom is the Earth, as in the dream when Mike and Kresten veer off of Del Dios highway and K. notes the humour of their fat(e) as Mike billows girthily into the Valley,
The metaphor is an undoubted ‘coming down to Earth’. After all: what does the ground do? It GROUNDS.
Yet the Ocean is a source of Ambiguity.[ Dmytri’s fall into the Ocean is not a mere loss of hubris after an Icarean flight; it is a descent into Absurdity. And it is not Dmytri’s fault.
[ It may be time to finish reading Memories, Dreams, Reflections.
Dmytri winds upon an Island of Games. These games are over-
Cast with a foreboding and forbidding Spirit, for this is naught but the Island of Lost Souls, not unlike Shakespeare’s setting for the TEMPEST, and the Game is Blame. The Island,
Like the one in CAT’S CRADLE,
(and note that Shakespeare was an Aries and Vonnegut was a Scorpio.) is run by a dictator.
This is none other than the Traitor himself. The only way off of the Island is through the Underground tunnel, which of course is disguised as an *UNDERWATER AQUARIUM*, for [it] leads under the Ocean into the Main Land.
Yet if the tyrant ever learns of this passage he will use it to invade the mainland, joining his forces on both fronts.
I assure you: I am writing this directly from my Intuitions and my own questions. That all the answers that my Intuition offers can accord so perfectly to Reason only evidences that my theory checks out.

******* runs the escape network. She operates as a double-agent in both worlds; She lives in the game-like microcosm of the ego, but she ALL so wages war, back home upon the mainland, on the Corporation.
All this time I’ve thought I found her. That is not true. SHE found ME. She NEEDS me in order to bring the Corporation down. Why pose with soldiers,
Work at Starbucks, and film Lesbian wedding ceremonies?

America applauds its military, its corporate coffee empire, and all the ceremonial ‘rights’ that the Neo-Liberal State can afford us.
But does ******* value these things?
Hardly. She simply keeps her enemies closer.

My sister works at the Aquarium.
Yet she does not Know that it is a secret tunnel. She is fooled by its veneer. Yet so long as she remains FOOLED, the underwater railroad functions, delivering us from our slavery.

The playground:
No one Knows where it is situated. It is probably a disciplinary camp of some sort. Time and time again,
Dmytri winds up here, and the way home is waylaid and even met with death. (?)
Yet after some time he learns how to return to it, by some secret path, though he still cannot fathom its location. He begins an enterprise to smuggle other prisoners out of this compound,
All under the pretense of the Game. Yet this proves challenging and risky. He endangers the whole project if he fails.

People upon the Island, terrified by the occasional PURGE, flock to the shores, yet no help comes. The only way out is through hidden tunnels that lead into the Aquarium. These tunnels start at terminals disguised as consession[*] (or concession?) stands.
*Here I use an alternate spelling for the conventional meaning of the word “concession” in “concession stand”. The alternate [unconventional] meaning is an intellectual concession. The alternate spelling distinguishes the two meanings. It is accidental.
            The product is the key.
            And to buy it now
            Is to be free.
Making these ‘concessions’ to the consumer game is just the path [towards] freedom that is necessary.

So where is Kresten’s apartment?

It must be on the Main Land,
For he would have no reason to disguise himself upon the Island. His only concern there would be to stay hidden.
But a set of headquarters, im-
Penetrable, would afford him that easily. The ‘civilian routine’ is of no service on the Island. It is only of necessity upon the Main Land. And the fact that he has fled bodes well for us,
Though not for those trapped on the Island still.

The College was the first place to be overrun. Its agents include but surpass those of K. And there we can still find friends. Yet we are warned against excessive faith in them.



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