Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Revenge of the Revenge: Episode One.

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[My] Reply to Original Poster:

Wow. Just from the opening paragraph I perceive a total superiority/inferiority complex. Any one who HAS to condescend upon EVERY one, to the point that those people do not even VALUE themselves as people, does not just have an issue seeing boundaries but must totally lack self-worth. I won't pretend that I'm writing this for your benefit. It probably IS out of pity, but I won't be sentimental about it; reductionists have this annoying habit of "seeing through" basic kindness, even if it's a convenience. I'll just be blunt yet subtle. You must think little of yourself, for you are certainly one of the above (my guess is Leo, but I do not really care.). Yet it must be a comfort to find just as much fault with EVERY one, pretending that you're helping them by bullying them into the same state of desperation as YOU find your self in daily. It must give you that manic-depressive rush of superiority that is fleeting but what all people with weak consciences live for. Well: let me burst that bubble for you. You are not enlightening the world against inflation. You are simply promoting your own and infringing upon others' space. There is no intrinsic need for [this sort of] negativity; hatred does not balance, but it obstructs. Astrology, as is the case with all spiritual disciplines, is aimed at understanding the Soul. The ego sees ego everywhere, but the Soul remains pure. People have a birth-right to understand themselves without being infringed upon by hostile and intrusive narcissism. They don't HAVE to read your work, admittedly, but it is caring and empathy that brings even the most deluded souls to forums such as these. People all so have the right and even obligation to understand one an other. You do nothing but obstruct this with your fault-finding. You offer no solution, only hatred. You don't nurture the best to defeat the worst, nor do you understand the worst well enough to prune it. It's all just "good fun" to you. But what is it REALLY? Why would you spend the time to write this? Just for kicks? The cause is all ways deeper. It is insecurity. You can't handle yourself and other people; it is a facade. You see in them the disappointment of your preferences and your expectations. You leave them no room for their OWN preferences and their OWN expectations. And that is because you've missed the entire spiritual purpose underlying Astrology: to see the Soul in people and to love it. By inviting people to hate what they don't understand you cloud both love and understanding. And while that may appear "okay", it's a child's view of the adult life. It gets old after third grade, honestly. Dm.A.A.

[My] Reply to Commenter:

Okay, so aside from my applying all of my above comments to your reply, what the hell do you mean by "manipulative"? You fail even to address the traits of Scorpio as being manipulative, even though they logistically tend to work their way into positions of political power, whereas Pisceans and Cancers tend to be artists and entrepreneurs mostly. This bothers me. I've dealt with some manipulative people, but had it not been by the admission of a close few I would never have even known what that word meant. USUALLY I see the best in every one, and I hold them to their own standards rather than mine, unless I feel violated. So exactly how is that behaviour "manipulative"? It troubles me. It seems as though you seem to be UNCONSCIOUS of these moral factors and so any appeal to the deeper emotions is an inconvenience to you. It's all most as though one's only right in life is to screw every one else and any one who makes you feel otherwise is out to get YOU. So who is "playing the victim" here? And who is ACTUALLY the victim? You literally call some one manipulative and blame that person for playing the victim all in one breath. So effectively you blame YOUR victims and then add insult to injury by accusing them of LYING. Of course! No one could be hurt by YOU. Every one is supposed to have the thick skin that YOU do. As though that thick skin weren't won by bullying others. Here's a tip: if some one breaks down crying in front of you, you DON'T have the right to question that person's motives. It is too great a risk to gamble on some one else's well-being. If that person is trying to "get her way", or "get his way", that's his or her RIGHT, because the fundamental principle is to treat others the way THEY want to be treated, not the way YOU want to be treated, and only to abstain if they do not reciprocate. One really has no reason to do less, so if some one is HURT by you and makes you feel BAD about it, grow up and admit you did some thing WRONG. You MESSED UP. It's okay. We forgive you. But do NOT do it again. Own up to it. Jesus. This is grade-school stuff. You don't unlearn arithmetic when you study calculus. why would you unlearn kindness with experience? Get with the program. Astrology predicts a time of mutual compassion after this Kali Yuga bullshit's over. Pick a side: are you going to be a victim-blaming asshole, or a compassionate and conscientious person? You only empower fakes by condemning victims, for fakes will all ways treat their OWN victims mercilessly and yet tug the heart-strings of those victims with their own histrionic tendencies. By YOUR standards, we should all ways blame those sensitive souls who tend to become victims for their kindness rather than modeling ourselves after them. Well; you're wrong. The only reason you find so much fault with people is that you hold all these people to your standards but do not reciprocate. If some one is hurt by you, you pretend he or she's "playing"; it's not REAL what he or she is going through to you, because it is "not you". That's fucked. Each sign brings some thing beautiful to learn from. I would not be INTO this stuff were it not for the fact that it truly lifts the veil of ignorance. I could find fault all day if I still wore that damned veil. It's tough enough trying to see the best in people without having to deal with people who've given up. It's like you don't think it's a problem that society is run by sociopaths and you don't think that there is a place for people to be taken care of and to profess their rights, as though all kindness were a sort of mind-game and not the fabric that holds people together. Last note: don't be an emotivist. You might feel upset by people, and you have the right to say so, but that right goes BOTH ways. You cannot dismiss people based just on your own feelings, unless you KNOW they're encroaching on your boundaries and your values. It helps to HAVE values in the first place, rather than just preferences for how the world should be and bitterness that it's not so. If you can't TELL the difference between a victim and a manipulative bully, stay out of it. You DON'T want to be mistaken for the latter, or worse found out to be so. Life is tough enough, so why not admit it? Having a thick skin is just an other layer of bullshit. (don't read too much into that metaphor.) Rather than having your own preferences and getting mad at people for how THEY choose to be, observe their RIGHT to be that way, and do the right thing: honor that right as you honor yourself. And it all starts by respecting your own boundaries. Dm. 


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