Monday, January 20, 2020


Success is not impossible, only impossible to control. Doing the right thing is a matter of research and nerve; doing the successful thing is a matter of drawing straws. Once the hand is outstretched, the advantageous choice becomes obvious, yet how can one have known which straw was shortest when the hand was clenched? Before the Court of Public Opinion, whose District Attorney is personal responsibility, I say only this: it was not impossible for me to lead a successful life, but though the choice was there it was impossible to discern. I could therefore only lead a moral one.
A man who does not seek his own joy ought never to be condemned to misery, nor can he be condemned FOR it. It was no sin of his to forego the former, for by so doing he did not render the latter inevitable; if anything, he might have spared some Other the latter fate, and this does not condemn him, for it entitles him to being spared in turn, wherever such sparing is possible. If all that is required is that we follow the example of the martyr, then we can spare the martyr as he has spared us. Misery, therefore, falls only to those who seek joy, to that extent that they seek it, augmented by the extent to which they are willing for others to fall into misery in the pursuit.

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