Sunday, January 31, 2021

Dear Mister Mohler: (of "Existential Comics".)

Dear Mister Mohler:


It should come as no surprise that none of your comics are open to criticism on the platform that you operate for their publication. In many ways, probably too many to enumerate without penning a Hegelian critique, they operate in the same naiive, self-flattering manner as any "liberal" echo chamber, and it comes as no surprise to learn that you write code in Portland, Oregon, enjoying all the fruits of modern economic luxury (or so I would suppose) while living off the applecores of social media, whose toxic influence upon the intellectual environment has turned Philosophy into a mere repositiory for elitist gags pretending towards egalitarian intentions.


None of this surprises me; I've been a hipster and a bleeding heart in my own day, of course. What DOES alarm me is that somehow you had managed to affront our Lord and Saviour Elon Musk and roused within him such a fury that he thought you worth a tweet. I'm only thankful I'm not nearly of such influence as he is; I read Hegel, and if ever I do leave my mark upon the March of Progress it will probably result from that same poverty from which he wrote. I have to say that, while the irony is lost on all the "Pseuds" who use philosophy for mere amusement, I still stand by Hegel in his stark elitism. To come so close to poverty and NOT call for Rebellion, except within the Classroom, is no Classist move, but simply classy. To condemn him by the standards he himself had put in place is classless by default.


Considering that the Daily Stoic (as opposed to the Nightly Stoic and the Weekend Wittgenstein?) has defined you as a "popularizer" of philosophy, it should suffice to assume that Hegel was right to reserve Philosophy for the Elite. Your "roast" of his work barrages the poor old man with modern self-entitlement: what about THESE people? How about THOSE? It's easy enough to mock Hegel's ego, though it hardly comes across as sensitive to do so; fans of hip-hop who defend the egocentric tendencies of rappers ought to recognize a man who's overcompensating in his economic dire straits and daemons. What is far more disturbing is that a "popularizer" of philosophy would reinforce the stereotype that it is a "privileged" discipline reserved for an intellectual elite. It would be well and good if you came out with that as your intention. Yet you continue to "popularize" it and thereby to "educate" the Masses on Philosophy, teaching them surely to hate it and to believe themselves to be Right outside the bounds that it defines.


They are NOT right. The petty plaints you make for what the modern man calls "human rights" are nothing more than Hegel Lite: the Cult of Marxist Thought developed Hegel's hottest concepts into forms of self-entitlement that, taken out of context, would be simply "evil" or "subversive" and TRANSPARENTLY self-interested, factional, and biased. Thanks so much for pointing out that Hegel got this boulder rolling well into the present day of our confusion. Yet why do you mock him? If the man invented Human Rights in any sense, do we not OWE it to him to regard his legacy with PUZZLEMENT, not mere derision? Why DID he insist the poor were merely rabble, knowing he himself was dodging poverty by pennies? Why NOT extend his principles to Women and THEIR untapped gifts for Reason? How could someone so averse to fantasy and intuition fan the flames of Fascism, enough that Carl Jung would share a cell with him within the prisons of Collective Thought?


An intellectual, if he is to be more than merely "pseudophilosophical", must surely have a bit more curiosity than that. What bothers me is that you blatantly DISMISS the same philosopher to whom you owe far MORE than just your online comic strip.


The matter goes beyond mere Hegel. Out of that same curiosity, I flipped the page to find your comic on the Prison System. I'll suspend emotional appeals for now. The Rich have every reason now to fear the Poor; the puzzling success of Parasite, that dreadful South Korean film, elucidates the willingness within the Global Zeitgeist to use Poverty to cover up for Envy, Cruelty, Depravity, Duplicity, and Violence the likes of which the heroes of Don Giovanni never could imagine. Yet logic will suffice. Your comic claims that solving crime must naturally involve some form of rehabilitation. You insist that solving "poverty" and "inequality" will solve the problem.


You presume that people break the Law out of necessity. And what necessity is THAT, exactly? Certainly a man will sooner die than live a villain if his heart's in the Right Place; to sympathize for those who wouldn't do so is corrosive to Society and demonstrates a fundamental cowardice that no philosophy of justice tolerates. How is, then, rehabilitation "punitive"? Does feeding people PUNISH them? Does it imply that they were "right", that it's "okay"? Your ethos is so dated that it takes only one sitting watching Breaking Bad to utterly disprove it. Given opportunities, most people operating out of envy sooner kill their would-be benefactors than cooperate. Excuses such as "poverty", while they are flattering subjectively, have ABSOLUTELY NO EFFECT in organizing either radical reform or "liberal" reform.


Yet the REAL question of the utmost primacy is this: WHY SHOULD WE CARE?


If the function of politics is NOT punitive, nor is its function to reward good behaviour, and if the function of sympathy is not to recognize a friend in a common struggle, and if the function of empathy is NOT one of using emotional information towards the Betterment of Society, and if the function of compassion and charity is NOT to make life easier for those who WOULD do the Right Thing when presented with a Moral Dilemma, then WHO CARES? There is simply no ground one can conceive of to accomodate the "less fortunate", and in the absence of a Transcendental Appeal we must CONCLUDE that more people of colour are incarcerated NOT through a fault in the Institution, which has now become our only Source of Immanent Authority, but RATHER THROUGH THEIR OWN ACTIONS, and the TREND may simply be ascribed to the BLATANT AND DEPRAVED DISREGARD for Law and Order that "underprivileged" people(s) feel and express, a disease far MORE depraving to the Psyche than mere poverty of the body, and this you feed directly by providing more excuses for it.


A man dies innocent, yet people riot; WHY? Is that not the goal of every human being, to die innocent? If one is killed in the Line of Duty, made a casualty of Civil War, then how is that not just as justifiable as the casualties of the American Civil War or the American Revolution? How can the citizen whose rights are provided by Law rebel against the Agent of Enforcement who preserves that Law? If the Criminal belongs among the Innocent, why bother to defend the Innocence of ANY one? Clearly, if you've spent time with those who were incarcerated, ESPECIALLY those who ascribe their incarceration to "racism", that laughably logocentric joke, then you must confess that these men and women are often practically incapable of collective moral reasoning the likes of which consolidates society. They are not WORTH our empathy, for their own empathy is confined to their proto-Fascistic cause.


Say what you will in jest, but at least Hegel was too smart for all of THAT. He EARNED his right to live. Others merely pretend towards it.



Friday, January 29, 2021


I have always had the stronger will, and it has served my intellect and ethics, both in work and play, to an extent you cannot fathom even with the Universal Mind renting your brain as studio space. Anything you took from me I let you get away with out of pity, and this pity does so little favour for your image that you think to spite and bite the hand that fed you. Entertaining your illusions, I pretended to a debt I neither felt nor owed to you, and seeing with what fervour you evaded your own debts to me I had to face the fact I leant a Life of Innocence to you for free. I tried to seek some closure in the thought you truly were the Better Man, that you were Stronger if not Better, that you managed to outwit me, but let's face it: I gave up the Woman Whom I Loved to you because I could not bring myself to hurt you twice. There's nothing you can do that I can't do, but rather things that I REFUSE to do, and anything you've seen me do to my discredit you will never do because you are not Man Enough to know my pain. Go on and hide behind the myriad of masks that cowardice affords you in the End of Times. You will not be remembered as a Hero, but as part of that same Villainy that sought to kill the Good Men off. I never was your beta, and I only stayed my trembling hand against you since I wanted not to lose another Loved One to a parasite; my poor, pity-infested, sentimental Heart's not yet immune, nor do I wish for it to be. Don't cross me again; stay in your lane and off my street, if only for the scientific objectivity that comes from Isolating Variables. My records, though you've called intention into question, have remained incontrovertible and damning. Go and destroy yourself and everyone who's fool enough to join you. You and I both know I am far less predictable when pushed, and it's a fatal flaw to underestimate another man.


Monday, January 25, 2021

The Cold, Hard Truth Beneath the Post-Truth Lie:

Despite its best intentions, Deleuzian post-structuralism has manifested, in the United States, at least, in such atrocities such as the O.J. Simpson verdict, wherein all pretense to the value of individual accountability, to the Ideal of Justice, and to Society were subverted by the same kind of proto-Fascist rhetoric that Adolf Hitler used, by a man who was REFERENCING ADOLF HITLER IN HIS OWN SPEECH. Recent years have shown markedly little improvement, as Rodney King was commemorated by the “Reverend” Al Sharpton as a hero and NOT an intoxicated driver, Bill Cosby was arrested entirely without evidence, and protestors who had witnessed indirectly an act of police brutality took out their prejudicial hatred on Officers of Law, over twenty years AFTER the Rodney King riots took the lives of 63 innocent people and injured THOUSANDS. In an Age of Nihilism and Evil, this much at least is clear: that which is subjective, such as Human Rights, is inferior to that which is objective, such as Law and Order, and if Derridean Deconstruction accomplished anything, it is disproving the existence of “racism” to an intellectual elite. Black Lives Do Not Matter, All Cops are Heroes, and the Future is not Democratic.


Thursday, January 21, 2021

ANT!-SP!TE: How to Buy and Sell Without Selling Your Soul.

One troubling psychological observation is that of Spite. In Sales Technique, they teach you two main strategies:

1.              Never to appear desperate to the prospective client, and

2.              To be Persistent until you close the Deal.

Strategies of these sort do explain, in part at least, why people hate on salesmen, most importantly because these tactics work, and that which they reveal about the Human Race is actually pretty scary.

While only a reported minority of the population can exploit these tendencies in people without much fumbling or moral scruple, an estimated majority of people exhibit these tendencies, to the point that the observance of these tendencies becomes a norm, and overlooking them becomes taboo. While this norm goes almost without question across various societies worldwide, it offers explanations for how social custom, even in the most unstable of societies, can reinforce a dominance hierarchy not of merit but of manipulation.

The norm is “thou shalt not annoy”. The tendency is Spite: the inclination we have to protect ourselves from exploitation by being “annoyed” by those who seek our help. The evil is that we presume that when we are annoyed it is the other’s fault and not our own.

Though evidence for this has plagued me since my childhood, I resisted it, not out of ignorance but generosity. In part: I wanted to believe that I’d be generous instead of cynical whenever someone else should need my help. It’s how *I* wanted to be treated, and I thought that setting that example would at least ENTITLE me to that same sort of treatment. Finally, I knew that to be generous required being optimistic. If I honestly believed that MOST people were spiteful, selfish, self-entitled, greedy pigs, I’d have no chance of helping them nor being helped, humbly, in turn.

That’s all fine and dandy from a Moral Stature which professes how we OUGHT to Live, and I still think that that’s the rightful answer to the problem. Be that as it may, it’s not the answer EVERYBODY finds, and some of those who find another answer aid the problem in itself. ETHICALLY, we SHOULDN’T treat our fellows, human and non-human, with disdain and miserly dismissal. Those most desperate are often those whose needs are greatest, and if given opportunity they’d flourish, whereas robbing them of such an opportunity would make them fail.

This selfless giving has its limits, clearly. In Better Call Saul, Chuck and Jimmy’s father is run out of business through his oversight in the face of con artists. While conscientious Chuck McGill adores his father’s goodness, younger brother Jimmy sees things differently. Whether he simply got recessive genes, had been a grifter in a previous life, or saw too many movies about tricksters, Jimmy sees what his father refuses to believe: that guys come in with some invented story and leave with a pack of cigarettes and change. In turn, Jimmy starts to pilfer money from the register, and only Chuck appears to notice and believe.

Fans often blame Chuck for his grave contempt towards his brother. Much later in life, Chuck’s constant denigration of his brother’s tendencies results in Jimmy lashing out, developing the alter ego of Saul Goodman, and becoming everything his brother feared and hated. Yet who was to blame?

We could blame Jimmy’s father for being naïve, but it’s not like his father doesn’t see the POSSIBILITY that those who seek his aid are grifters. His retort is, “what if you are wrong?” Since no one is all-powerful, we all depend, at one point or another, on the Good Samaritan believing us. It’s only fair that we should treat those who are most in need with kindness, even if it makes us easy targets for manipulators.

We don’t know exactly WHAT ran Jimmy’s father out of business, and while this is fiction, it reflects how often we don’t know in Actual Reality as well. People who simply hoard their wealth and want no part within the progress of their fellows are by far more parasitic than those who require help to meet their full potential, and denying this only perpetuates the parasite. We do not know what cost the store more money: random grifters or Jimmy himself, who ends up stealing from his father on a common basis, using his own father’s goodness towards ill means. If Chuck is right in blaming Jimmy for their parents’ fate, then, whatever his envy might have been, he is right to treat his brother with the same disdain and cynicism. Though Chuck never shows the kind of GENEROSITY his father had exhibited, it remains JUST for Jimmy to suffer his brother’s disapproval in later life. Jimmy pays the price for his OWN lack of generosity, and that’s because he’s driven by the vice of Spite.

Spiteful people recognize the Spite in Others all too well. If we are hardened to desperation, we won’t be fooled by people whose desperation is either excessive or insincere. Yet this also makes us arrogant and ruthless in the face of those who truly need us, for which Benjamin Linus pays the price in Lost, with regards to his daughter. Yet beyond the fact that con artists recognize other con artists at the expense of recognizing those truly in need or sincere in their intentions, spiteful people know how to manipulate the spite in others. Both Benjamin and Jimmy use reserve psychology to bend people to their will like it’s the Force. Whereas Obi-wan Kenobi could hypnotize weak minds into believing his every claim and agreeing to his every whim, people like Jimmy and Ben can hypnotize people into believing the OPPOSITE of what they say by annoying people to such an extent that produces spiteful responses. They also specialize in that which Christopher Nolan took ten years to write, direct, and to produce: Inception. By making you believe that it’s your own idea, they appeal to your own egocentric nature, which is why most of a story is subtextual.

There’s nothing wrong with subtext, except when there is. It’s great that human beings don’t accept ALL that they hear on faith and want to learn things for themselves. Yet it’s a problem when we cannot trust each other without bias on our individual/tribal behalf. One way or another, good people in need get stepped on by the actual liars. People who have to live with less than they deserve and need are far more likely to lose faith in any sort of Goodness, and the higher-minded that the good man is the harder comes the impact of the fall.

Those who sell because they want the money but don’t need it often do not care for those to whom they sell nor what they sell. One would imagine that they’d be far more objective, needing less, but why would anybody sell if needing less? People who sell but really do not care whether or not you buy don’t think you NEED what they are selling; they’re not desperate because they neither need your money NOR believe that you require what they have to offer, OR if they believe you really need it, they don’t CARE if you receive it. Yet these are the very salesmen who rise quickly in the ranks of sales while dodging all the hatred and enjoying all the fruits.

Yet why IS that? Before we say “that’s capital” and take our sides on Marx and Smith, let us consider why WE buy from those who do not need us to and why WE get annoyed by those who seem to think they do and who insist that WE need to agree.

We’re taught, precisely in the context of our capitalist market, that nothing is free. There are no “common, public goods”, but simply private goods. If I am selling, I am selling for myself and not for you, though I am selling TO you or attempting to, and if you buy it’s only fair that you should get your money’s worth. That’s what we’re taught, at least.

Yet why would desperation play a factor? If I’m desperate, you KNOW, or so you think, that my own needs are greater than your own, or SO YOU THINK I THINK in seeking you to help me with my problems by buying my product. Yet, on some level, you’re thinking, “No. MY needs are greater, which is why I have no time for this.”

To the same extent as we sympathize, we are reminded of our own problems, and we resent this intruder trying to swindle us. CLEARLY he just wants his commission; why would HE be desperate to help ME? *I* don’t need his saving me; I save myself and my own money. EITHER he thinks that I cannot help MYSELF, OR he believes that HE is more entitled to my money than I am, all because HIS needs are greater. CLEARLY, he can’t know this for a fact, and though *I* don’t know it one way or another EITHER, I don’t owe him any time in finding out, especially since he’s pretending that he doesn’t need this Sale at all. While none of this is said aloud, it is precisely BECAUSE it is not said aloud that we react to it, and even in denying it you may be resisting what I’m offering to you herein.

Yet at the root of all of this is a broken record in our modern thought: the cynical illusion that there are no Common Goods. While the Good Samaritan will help us for free when we most need him, the salesperson IMPOSES himself upon us for reasons that we can only imagine to be self-interested and pretentious. We conclude that either we don’t need to help him OR we do not need what he is selling OR, most often, both. We perceive the look of desperation as the look of exploitation. We are taught to pity parasites, so we equate the piteous WITH parasitic tendencies. Those who appear most desperate to us we SPITE, precisely owing to our pride and self-importance. We shut out the opportunity by calling those who offer it mere opportunists. Yet do we have that right?

Traditionally: no, we don’t. We owe our fellows our consideration because all of us receive some sort of help when we most need it. We all wear the face of desperation, whether it’s at one time or another, and we all beget the face of gratitude when we get what we need, especially for free. The salesman who accosts us might be no worse than the Good Samaritan; the only difference is: we do not THINK we need what he is selling, YET. So: we pawn our needs off to the Good Samaritan instead, who will help us for free.

Is there a way around this? Yes, and that’s PERSISTENCE. On a surface level, we acknowledge that persistence is only the other side of desperation. Yet why do salespeople PERSIST in training new recruits “persistence” a strategy, when they acknowledge “desperation”, even at its best-intentioned, to be ineffective? It’s because PERSISTENCE goes beyond the moment. In the fleeting instant, we see someone desperate to take what we require from us. We don’t know this person, nor should he know us. There is no Common Good between us, YET, so how is he entitled to the sale?

Yet this feeling fades. We react to desperation with desperation, but if we can be persuaded to look PAST it, the longer we look away the more likely we are to go one of three ways: to get tired, to change the conversation, or to agree. Persistence is desperation over time, time during which initial hostilities cool, knowledge is gathered by both parties about one another, and trust blossoms. If one tires of the sales pitch, one may still reject it out of spite, but both parties have benefited in exchanging knowledge about themselves. “Attention is,” truly, “the rarest and purest form of generosity.”



KNOW!NG: Against Radical Skepticism.

The assertions that “there are no Truths”/“there are no Facts”/“there is no Truth”/“There’s no such thing as Fact” can be summed up as Radical Skepticism.

This is distinct from just ordinary skepticism or Doubt. According to the Kantian framework for knowledge, existence can be expressed in two modes: the phenomenal and the noumenal. The phenomenal world accounts for what we call “subjective”; in the words of Obi-wan Kenobi, it “depends upon one’s point of view”. Subjective knowledge is not “wrong”, nor is it always “relative” in value, but it DOES depend on the observer who reports it.

On the other hand, the Noumenal concerns itself with Objectivity. This sort of knowledge is objective, True, and Absolute. The Noumenal domain exists AS SUCH, and that which it contains is True, though others may not recognize it. If this seems pretentious, rest assured that Kant did not believe, in general, that we COULD reach the Noumenal. Thus Kant reflects our modern common sense, informed by scientific inquiry on one hand and subjective liberal politics upon the other: that there IS a TRUTH, yet WE CAN’T REACH IT. This does not preclude the need to STRIVE for it, however, since in striving towards it using REASONING and INQUIRY we can avail ourselves of a phenomenal Experience which is as close to noumenal Reality as possible.

Skepticism, in the Kantian sense, does not deny the existence of a Real World; it simply precludes Objective KNOWLEDGE about the NATURE of this Real World, and in this spirit it refuses to accept absolute assertions on faith. Instead, Kantian skepticism, comprising the bulk of modern scientific/social common sense, strives to arrive at the BEST POSSIBLE ESTIMATION of Reality by USING LOGIC to DISCERN “good” opinions from “bad” ones.

RADICAL Skepticism, on the other hand, DENIES this Reality. Radical Skepticism suggests that the Noumenal World does not exist at all, for in the absence of evidence with regards to its NATURE we lack also evidence with regards to its EXISTENCE. In common sense terms, if I cannot tell you WHAT is Real, how can I assert that ANYTHING is? Radical Skepticism denies any Objective Ground whatsoever, and it prioritizes subjectivity in a relative sense. All opinions are neither true nor false, but they are conceived of as individual rights to which one is entitled. If one wishes to be HEARD, one can EXPRESS one’s opinion, yet one must accept responsibility for how this opinion REFLECTS UPON ONE’S SELF. No opinions are expressed with the intent of reaching an Objective Reality nor a Collective Consensus ABOUT Reality, so any claim towards Objectivity is considered DISRUPTIVE to the sharing of ideas. As such, one is always entitled to one’s own opinion, just so long as one accepts the consequences for it personally, and among those consequences is the alienation one will experience either for expressing SUSPICIOUS opinions or for taking an opinion “too far” by claiming it to be fact.

Since everyone is entitled to one’s OWN opinion, then claims to factual authority are impersonal infringements upon personal rights, since one who claims to know a Truth, or THE Truth at that, tends often to IMPOSE this Truth UPON those whom one talks to, to the EXCLUSION of those opinions which they may feel entitled to, which he or she may elect to dismiss as inconsequential and “false”. Radical Skepticism denies the possibility of ANY opinion being objectively proven false, so its policy is that of punishing claims to objectivity by excommunicating those who make those claims, as well as those whose opinions enable such claims, from their being heard. If everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, no matter how silly it is, then to assert anything as being True, implying corresponding Falsehood on another’s part, is to infringe upon another’s Natural Rights, and as such one surrenders the Social Privilege of sharing one’s opinions with others, though those opinions may still be held by the transgressor.

The consequences of Radical Skepticism on the political scale, the interpersonal scale, the psychological scale, and the Epistemological Scale are practically innumerable, and those consequences, though innumerable, are demonstrably damaging in most of their conceivable manifestations, enough to raise concern. Yet rather than appealing to the Laws of Logic and Moral Authority, I would like first to expose the underlying fatal contradictions in this habit by employing several quotes which summarize the matter quite succinctly.


Argument One: Self-Entitled versus “Informed” Opinions.


“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”


Harlan Ellison.


While it is ironic that this quote is often in itself misattributed to Christopher Hitchens, casting doubt upon who is “informed” even in citing it, its intrinsic code is fairly straightforward. Ellison (if we are to presume he was the one who said it) could not be clearer in the IMPLICATIONS of his thought, regardless of the context and what he himself considered “information” as opposed to “ignorance”.

The distinction between “informed” and “uninformed” opinions implies a primitive Hierarchy of Knowledge. It asserts that there ARE objective standards by which to judge something to be True, implying also, quite inevitably, the existence of a Truth. Ellison reflects the point of view of Kant: there IS a Truth, and there are “good” and “bad” opinions about it, and yes: we can KNOW what constitutes a bad opinion, and hopefully that helps us recognize the good ones and develop even better ones.

Radical Skepticism undoubtedly owes its non-foundations to this project and its failures. So many scientific discoveries so supplant existing scientific common sense that Asimov’s claim that we are always coming closer to the Truth begins to shake. So many social revolutions act in such effective and blatant defiance of established norms that progress in itself appears to move AWAY from objectivity, not towards it. Yet does this mean Skepticism is the End? If the Earth were to explode beneath our feet, we might save ourselves by using the energy to propel a satellite into another solar system, at least in the realm of Science Fiction which the likes of Elon Musk alone seem to consider feasible. Can the same be done with Thought? Suppose that we began by seeking Truth, and this pursuit, however futile, acted as the Ground beneath our feet. Yet what if it should prove our time was limited? Sooner or later, our pursuit would fail, for there was no “Truth” to be found, and then the Ground would rupture underneath us. One might say that two good things came out from it: Ourselves and our abilities to Build a Better Satellite. If Skepticism is our Satellite, is it not so that we can use it even after Earth is Gone? Perhaps we built our Skepticism on the Lie that Truth existed, but now that we’ve built it, can’t we live in it, just long enough to find new Truths? And if no such new Truths exist, can we not live out our pathetic lives regardless of that underlying fact?

No, since that fact cannot exist.

The contradiction is apparent to the outside point of view rejecting Skepticism of this sort. Yet in claiming it I seem to be agreeing TOWARDS it, am I not? Not so; I simply have to point out that the contradiction lies right at the center of the Skepticism. If you cannot know for certain, how can you preclude what others know?

You might contend we owe nothing to Kant. His project failed, so we are now to salvage what he did and to prevent failing once more. Yet WHY? If we’re not seeking Objectivity, if we have given up on Noumenal Reality, then why should the Phenomenal persist? Why hold opinions at all, and what entitles us?

As Harlan Ellison points out: there’s nothing to entitle us. Entitlement comes only from being informed. We know on good authority, and no one is entitled to opinions that don’t live up to SOME sort of objective rubric, even if the rubrics too must be contested. At the least, contesting them means that we can’t EXCLUDE those whose opinions upset us just because we might be forced to face a harsh Reality. We can’t survive in space for very long. We need the Ground beneath our Feet, at least until another Ground is found, at least where Knowledge is concerned.


Argument Two: I Know Something You Don’t Know.


“Rule #9: Assume That the Person You Are Listening to Might Know Something You Don’t.”


Jordan Peterson.

12 Rules for Life, an Antidote to Chaos.


Jordan Peterson may be a controversial figure whose knowledge is at times cursory and incomplete, but he sure knows how to make a simple statement. While perhaps the man does not take his own advice as often as he dishes it out, and neither does he claim to, it is certainly worth following, and he tries to do so.

The claims of Radical Skepticism again owe a debt to their forefathers. To take one’s point of view for “fact” is tantamount to sin, the greatest sin according to the Hindus and a minor but effective sin according to the Christians: ignorance. Yet why is it a sin? Why is it “arrogant” to think you’re right when you are not, and how is “arrogance” a vice? If we intend to KNOW, then theoretically we have to Know we Know, and THINKING that we Know is part of that. Yet Thinking that we Know when we DON’T Know precludes us from considering that which we OUGHT TO Know, and while a man like Blake insists that fools persisting in their folly will be wise, the stringent, hard-nosed gurus of our modern thought insist we must NOT think we know, for then we’ve doomed ourselves to ignorance, and there’s no guarantee of a return from that dogmatic Hell, a Hell that, to the same extent as it affects those who DO Know, or who know they do not, is far more evil than that Hell which punishes the ignorant alone.

Yet here Radical Skepticism manages at once to repeat the mistakes of its predecessors as to squander their entire cause and their successes.

In the first place, the denunciation of “arrogance” described above fails to account for several logical inevitabilities: the possibility of knowing but not knowing that you know, remaining ignorant of one’s own knowledge, as well as the possibility of thinking that you do not know, as well as thinking that you know that you don’t know, as well as thinking that you know that others do not know. Reflexive thought requires us to look at knowledge as a sort of dialectical layer cake. We often possess knowledge without being conscious of it, just as facts look us straight in the face but we ignore them. Even if it’s arrogant to think you know that which your intuition grants you, that does not mean it’s an error to believe in it; in fact, one ought to make the case that such a faith in intuition is essential to True Logic. Furthermore, what others know is probably the greatest source of knowledge. While believing them is holding an opinion, it does not mean there are no facts.

Thus we have established the failures, again, of the predecessor culture with regards to its skepticism. Yet Radical Skepticism takes those failures, once more, to an extreme that manages to even overshadow the SUCCESSES of that culture. While the predecessor culture HUMBLED people to entertain the possibility of BEING PROVEN WRONG, the culture of Radical Skepticism PRECLUDES being proven wrong, since it precludes being proven Right. Peterson’s competitive approach to knowledge redeems us in our humility by allowing us to LEARN FROM ONE ANOTHER, and by so doing we redeem Humility Itself, which neither exists nor must under Radical Skepticism.

In the words of another controversial figure: “If You Don’t Know, Now You Know.”


Argument Three: How Do You Know I Don’t?


“Zhuangzi and Huizi were enjoying themselves on the bridge over the Hao River. Zhuangzi said, "The minnows are darting about free and easy! This is how fish are happy."

Huizi replied, "You are not a fish. How do you know that the fish are happy?"

Zhuangzi said, "You are not I. How do you know that I do not know that the fish are happy?"”


The Chuang Tzu.


Sartre wrote, at least once, (and probably far more) that a man can fool himself. At the time, fooling others was a notorious crime, but fooling one’s self was a radical concept reserved for the intellectual elite. Life had been taken for granted on the authority of tradition for so long that the concept of using a conscious conviction to counteract an underlying fact, one nestled deep in the Unconscious Mind, was radical and new, even subversive. Surely, however, if one can deny that which one knows subconsciously, then one must OWN UP to what’s going on down there. Subconscious facts are facts, as Jung explains, and, as Sartre’s colleague Weil professed: knowing that one DOES know is crucially important knowledge.

In the parable above, Chuang-tzu KNOWS what it is like to be a fish, or, at least, he knows that his friend Hui Shi does NOT know that the former does NOT know. He later comments that, by asking “how”, Hui Shi IMPLIES that Chuang-Tzu DID know, and that Hui Shi KNEW that Chuang-Tzu knew, but Chuang-Tzu’s methods were Unknown, perhaps even to his own self. Yet knowing HOW you know and knowing THAT you know are different, both in nature and importance, and even in knowing HOW one knows there is no guarantee that Others will avail themselves of that same Knowledge. Sometimes, it’s important to accept what Others say. One might not know it for a fact, but knowledge sometimes comes from places of which knowledge we don’t have. Taoist thought instructs us gently to “avail [ourselves] of the unknown [in order] to reach knowledge” (Alan Watts). Knowing what we know is what’s important, knowing HOW we know is not so much, and PROVING what we know is not nearly as crucial as ATTENDING to what others know out of respect. If you can fool yourself, then you can miss an opportunity for fear of being fooled by others, and there’s nothing valid for a Skeptic in such folly.

If you can know Nothing, then you cannot know that others too know Nothing, and if you begin to universalize about Human Ignorance you claim to know a Universal Truth. The psychological impact is that you retain a worthless opinion that is sheltered by a collective ignorance, the exact epitome of what Socrates, the very father of denying one’s own knowledge, was crusading against. Without any authority by which to weigh an informed opinion against an uninformed opinions, societies merely turn into conformist cesspools wherein individuals possessing arbitrary opinions modify their preferential biases according to popular trends, for fear of being caught and judged for an opinion deemed to be dangerously objective. Radical Skepticism only feigns interest in Others, since it denies that any Others have experienced the Noumenal Domain. It also uses the strictures of classical skepticism as an unattainable standard by which to filter out bold claims and imaginative opinions, at the same time refusing to hold itself to those same strictures, for that would mean to confess to the possibility of Others Knowing Better. Radical Skepticism is NOT the logical conclusion of Rationality but rather of Dogma. Dismissing all Truths as Dogmas is the Ultimate pseudointellectual Dogma. Conversely, if we at least begin to ask, “is that opinion informed?” we can begin to address the question of “what constitutes an informed opinion?” Yet this will only amount to a sensible dialogue if we all do our due diligence. Simply contenting one’s self in privileged skepticism, leaving others to try to perform for one’s own unattainable standards for proof, standards which one knows are impossible to meet, is hardly credible. You have as much to prove me wrong as I have to prove myself right, and I need not prove myself right in order to speak my Truth.

Can it be Done? If Reality Exists in Reality, then yes, and I don’t think that it must be contained in something greater for that end to be attained. So long as we can at least agree to the EXISTENCE of a Truth or Truths, our opinions hold actual value. So long as we can go into the World and LEARN THINGS FOR OURSELVES, we need NOT pander to mere popularity and to manipulation, talking only to hear ourselves talk, listening only with the intent of being heard. We can actually DISCOVER something, and we can SHARE what we’ve Learned.


I Know, Right?


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Affirmation: REAL!TY.

Recently, I suffered a minor nervous breakdown. In terms of anxiety attacks, it was relatively brief, lasting hardly more than two hours, by my best estimate, though I was hardly in a state to make close records of the time. This was prompted by a series of unfortunate events and disconcerting observations which had seemed almost to act in some sort of conspiracy against me, though I did not dare until the end to feel myself to be the victim or even a target. They culminated in one message, numbering about four words in length, here paraphrased: “There are no facts.”

Awakening mere hours later (what I estimate to have been four, my average from high school) I could recall one aspect of my Dreams still fresh in mind. In Dream, the user who had written these four words rescinded them, somehow, to some extent. I can't express to you my joy and my relief in seeing this, though even in my Dream I felt quite scared and wary, skeptical that this might be a ruse, that his sincerity was insincere, and waking up to see that it was but a fantasy filled me with dread the likes of which I seldom can express but have to live with months and sometimes years on end.

Yet what a thought that it should be a Dream!! For, to my mind, and to that same extent of mind as I value my Life or any Life, perhaps to that extent that my own brain keeps my heart beating and can fill my head with Dreams in Sleep, it can’t be overstated just how basic an amenity this is: that we agree that Facts Exist. Our time has known so many ways with which to disconfirm another man’s humanity, it has become a joke. I’ve laughed at ethnic slurs, at sexist jokes, stereotypes and insults of surpassing wit and venom. Yet I always laughed in knowing that they did not matter, for beneath the surface loomed a Truth: that we are all in this together. Though on different sides, we’re seeking the Same Thing(s). To say that facts exist is to say this: that I am Real to you, and you are Real to me. That this most basic, sacred, banal bond between us can’t be broken. Though we disagree about that NATURE of Reality, our seeking it remains our first and final Right. There is a Truth, and there’s no fooling it, though we are fooled in our mortality.

Conversely, to insist there are no facts is to assault the Mind in such a way the Mind can’t handle. It’s to violate the Laws of Logic which must surely govern our physical existence, if such an existence can be grasped. It is to say, “I value my opinion, though it is mere, preferring it, with prejudice, to anything you claim, however piously, to know for certain, though I hope that being humble in my limitations I can sway the masses in my favour and supplant you.” Finally, it is to say: “You are not truly human to my eyes. There’s nothing I can learn from you, for I elect that which I can imagine for myself instead, and I’m more interested in what I can learn ABOUT you than what you can teach me.” To deny Reality is, IN Reality, to say that him whom you deny does not exist in YOUR World of Experience, and this Reality, though it’s denied, is felt more harshly than can be imagined by the man who’s disconfirmed in such a fashion. If “there are no facts” to which we can agree, we don’t share a Reality. You do not see me as a fellow in the World, but a phenomenon in your own head, if even, and though *I* can see, quite clearly, that you see me in this way, even the fact you see me thus you may deny.

So I say: just forget all your opinions, your pretenses to social justice, to some scientific rigour, to artistic credibility, to Beauty, Goodness, Truth, the lot of it. Beyond those niceties, we have to ask the simplest question: am I REAL to you? Does my existence truly matter more than your opinion? If so, then we can work from the presumption this is so, and we can do away with calling it “presumption”; It’s a Fact. Yet if not, then you have disconfirmed me, not just as a HUMAN being, not just as a CONSCIOUS being, but as ANY sort of Being in the World. What man can speak of treating others “fairly”, “clinically”, or “lovingly” if this most basic human need is never met?

In Practiced Life, Reality prefigures to extents we’re only starting to imagine. In the realm of Law and Order, economics, politics, and other social issues, moral facts are indispensable. We wish to help those most in need, according to some scientific calculation OF their needs, yet at the same time we don’t dare to disadvantage those whose needs are less but who surpass the piteous in Character. Were this not so, then people who are innocent of any blatant wrong can be turned into pawns within the hands of idealogues, reduced to an abstraction, murdered in mass quantities to serve a liberal agenda, while their murderers walk free, with sympathy, for it was simply “much too hard” for them to do what’s Right, and “Right” is relative depending NOT upon one’s Character but rather on one’s NEEDS.

Yet needs are not the point of progress. We set out to make life EASY for those in need with the INTENT that they would DO WHAT’S RIGHT, what we KNEW to be Right, because we’d made it EASIER TO DO SO. Human “rights” and humans “doing what is right” are not distinct, and being “in one’s rights” and “being right” are totally synonymous. All progress aims towards the same long-term goals, and those are shared by rich and poor, by dominator and submissive, even by the Master and the Slave of history; yes, even that condition we call Slavery, believed to be depraved, honours our common human calling MORE than moral skepticism. Thus, we don’t murder rich people for being rich, nor hate the Jews, nor blame the Whites, for all the Evils of the World, and “innocence” is not merely a euphemism for “naiveté”; it is both Goal and Modus Operandi. Nor do WE, as People, look to those in power thinking they have only bad intent. Motives ulterior to Innocence have to be proven; motives serving Innocence are demonstrated by default.

It’s so in Love and Sex as well. Plenty of peoples protested the “right to marry”, but how many people ever manage to attain this lofty posture we call “Matrimony”? Be that as it may, the difficulties are objective. If I like a girl, I am not justified by that alone to seek her out romantically. Yet if I have sufficient reason to believe that I am QUALIFIED to be her man, and if I have sufficient reason to believe that she is QUALIFIED to be my woman, and if, MOST IMPORTANTLY, I hold sufficient reason to believe that WE are QUALIFIED to DATE, that by our Dating we might serve Society, then I’m not just entitled to pursue her, but I must, and this is not an obligation either she or I can change. It matters not how many times the girl says “no”, for she does not decide this; nor do I get to opt out of the pursuit, however it may hurt me. Rules are rules, and what compels a man to seek a woman has been codified so many times it cannot be contested honestly without admitting to mere savagery. That stories of erotic conquest vary cannot be disputed; that they’re all just variations ON ONE THEME must be accepted with sheer veneration. Just as he who serves the Law is Innocent in serving it, unless he demonstrates BY HIS OWN ACTIONS that he’s been corrupted by opinions, so it is too that he who seeks a woman’s heart is Innocent in doing so until it can be PROVEN that the search is futile, that her heart, even if it could be attained, would only be corrupted by the effort.

Why, then, do we mock the men who try to use their power towards erotic ends? We should rather ask ourselves: Why should they HAVE to? Are they not attractive BY DEFAULT of their success?? And if Success is not the rule by which we measure that peculiar virtue which we call “attractiveness”, what is? How can you KNOW that you are dating someone Beautiful? How can one claim to be “in Love” if, by so doing, one does nothing for Society? What use are gossip, weddings, legal contracts, diamond rings, elaborate cakes and flowers, (not to mention flower girls in limousines who lose their lives to some drunk driver whose opinion entitles him to drink and drive) if Love is nothing more than quid pro quo between “consenting adults”? CERTAINLY one cannot call the Casting Couch a “quid pro quo” with such disdain if it is nonetheless SUPERIOR IN DIGNITY to modern love, the latter caring NOT for merit as a promise of affection but deciding matters based on need alone, employing status as a means and NOT THE END ITSELF. I ask you this: to those who think that Harvey Weinstein did abuse his power, what entitles ANY one to sex? To say “consent” says nothing, since consent must certainly BE EARNED, OBJECTIVELY.

Too many times, we take opinions too far, and we are proven wrong to humble us. Yet one is never “proven wrong” when no one can be right to prove it. Being Right is hardly easy, and sometimes we rather would be proven wrong and humbled. Yet PURSUING what is Right REQUIRES us to ACT AS THOUGH WE KNOW, and that Intent, in FACT, establishes our Innocence and Common Good. If we begin by SEEKING WHAT IS RIGHT, we soon are SPEAKING WHAT IS RIGHT, and that facilitates a LEARNING. Skepticism does not do that; it but warrants warrantless opinions.

Existence is not personal, but interpersonal, so “facts” exist around us, everywhere. Even our personal relationships are founded ON them. We might think, by an analogy, that charging nothing for a service makes the service somehow “righteous”. Yet, quite often, making something free just hurts the business of those who require profit to persist. It’s like buying out the competition, charging less for the same product, to the ultimate extreme. By the same token, claiming all opinions are equal and that none are facts, while it APPEARS to be more generous and humble, simply reinforces prejudicial self-entitlement to uninformed opinions. Reality requires all opinions to pass SOME sort of Test of Value, but unfortunately it’s the nature of Delusion that those who do not pass that test forget Reality Exists.



Thursday, January 7, 2021

WEEK ONE: Review.

The first week of journaling my Dreams in this the year of MMXXI has proven fruitful, without incident or issue. Frequently K. still visits me, though I know not why. I have concluded that K. never comprehended any Other as a sovereign identity, owing chiefly to his narcissism and his instrumentalist outlook on social relations. It follows that all accusations he has made against me are false; what alarms me is that he can so clearly perceive his own crimes and yet so reflexively find a scapegoat for them, including the scapegoating in itself!! Thankfully, this record remains a record in favour of the accusation, and that he would try to use even the record itself against me only underscores the perversion. Only my prosperity at present precludes the necessity to use my knowledge against him; I will have to content myself with knowing that the better part of it is public and the Public is not so moronic as to require education on the significance of these reported events. As I rediscover my sexual prowess, my amicability, my agency and my ambition, my past comes into focus: a series of prioritizing trust over discretion, of putting friendship before intelligence.

