Sunday, January 31, 2021

Dear Mister Mohler: (of "Existential Comics".)

Dear Mister Mohler:


It should come as no surprise that none of your comics are open to criticism on the platform that you operate for their publication. In many ways, probably too many to enumerate without penning a Hegelian critique, they operate in the same naiive, self-flattering manner as any "liberal" echo chamber, and it comes as no surprise to learn that you write code in Portland, Oregon, enjoying all the fruits of modern economic luxury (or so I would suppose) while living off the applecores of social media, whose toxic influence upon the intellectual environment has turned Philosophy into a mere repositiory for elitist gags pretending towards egalitarian intentions.


None of this surprises me; I've been a hipster and a bleeding heart in my own day, of course. What DOES alarm me is that somehow you had managed to affront our Lord and Saviour Elon Musk and roused within him such a fury that he thought you worth a tweet. I'm only thankful I'm not nearly of such influence as he is; I read Hegel, and if ever I do leave my mark upon the March of Progress it will probably result from that same poverty from which he wrote. I have to say that, while the irony is lost on all the "Pseuds" who use philosophy for mere amusement, I still stand by Hegel in his stark elitism. To come so close to poverty and NOT call for Rebellion, except within the Classroom, is no Classist move, but simply classy. To condemn him by the standards he himself had put in place is classless by default.


Considering that the Daily Stoic (as opposed to the Nightly Stoic and the Weekend Wittgenstein?) has defined you as a "popularizer" of philosophy, it should suffice to assume that Hegel was right to reserve Philosophy for the Elite. Your "roast" of his work barrages the poor old man with modern self-entitlement: what about THESE people? How about THOSE? It's easy enough to mock Hegel's ego, though it hardly comes across as sensitive to do so; fans of hip-hop who defend the egocentric tendencies of rappers ought to recognize a man who's overcompensating in his economic dire straits and daemons. What is far more disturbing is that a "popularizer" of philosophy would reinforce the stereotype that it is a "privileged" discipline reserved for an intellectual elite. It would be well and good if you came out with that as your intention. Yet you continue to "popularize" it and thereby to "educate" the Masses on Philosophy, teaching them surely to hate it and to believe themselves to be Right outside the bounds that it defines.


They are NOT right. The petty plaints you make for what the modern man calls "human rights" are nothing more than Hegel Lite: the Cult of Marxist Thought developed Hegel's hottest concepts into forms of self-entitlement that, taken out of context, would be simply "evil" or "subversive" and TRANSPARENTLY self-interested, factional, and biased. Thanks so much for pointing out that Hegel got this boulder rolling well into the present day of our confusion. Yet why do you mock him? If the man invented Human Rights in any sense, do we not OWE it to him to regard his legacy with PUZZLEMENT, not mere derision? Why DID he insist the poor were merely rabble, knowing he himself was dodging poverty by pennies? Why NOT extend his principles to Women and THEIR untapped gifts for Reason? How could someone so averse to fantasy and intuition fan the flames of Fascism, enough that Carl Jung would share a cell with him within the prisons of Collective Thought?


An intellectual, if he is to be more than merely "pseudophilosophical", must surely have a bit more curiosity than that. What bothers me is that you blatantly DISMISS the same philosopher to whom you owe far MORE than just your online comic strip.


The matter goes beyond mere Hegel. Out of that same curiosity, I flipped the page to find your comic on the Prison System. I'll suspend emotional appeals for now. The Rich have every reason now to fear the Poor; the puzzling success of Parasite, that dreadful South Korean film, elucidates the willingness within the Global Zeitgeist to use Poverty to cover up for Envy, Cruelty, Depravity, Duplicity, and Violence the likes of which the heroes of Don Giovanni never could imagine. Yet logic will suffice. Your comic claims that solving crime must naturally involve some form of rehabilitation. You insist that solving "poverty" and "inequality" will solve the problem.


You presume that people break the Law out of necessity. And what necessity is THAT, exactly? Certainly a man will sooner die than live a villain if his heart's in the Right Place; to sympathize for those who wouldn't do so is corrosive to Society and demonstrates a fundamental cowardice that no philosophy of justice tolerates. How is, then, rehabilitation "punitive"? Does feeding people PUNISH them? Does it imply that they were "right", that it's "okay"? Your ethos is so dated that it takes only one sitting watching Breaking Bad to utterly disprove it. Given opportunities, most people operating out of envy sooner kill their would-be benefactors than cooperate. Excuses such as "poverty", while they are flattering subjectively, have ABSOLUTELY NO EFFECT in organizing either radical reform or "liberal" reform.


Yet the REAL question of the utmost primacy is this: WHY SHOULD WE CARE?


If the function of politics is NOT punitive, nor is its function to reward good behaviour, and if the function of sympathy is not to recognize a friend in a common struggle, and if the function of empathy is NOT one of using emotional information towards the Betterment of Society, and if the function of compassion and charity is NOT to make life easier for those who WOULD do the Right Thing when presented with a Moral Dilemma, then WHO CARES? There is simply no ground one can conceive of to accomodate the "less fortunate", and in the absence of a Transcendental Appeal we must CONCLUDE that more people of colour are incarcerated NOT through a fault in the Institution, which has now become our only Source of Immanent Authority, but RATHER THROUGH THEIR OWN ACTIONS, and the TREND may simply be ascribed to the BLATANT AND DEPRAVED DISREGARD for Law and Order that "underprivileged" people(s) feel and express, a disease far MORE depraving to the Psyche than mere poverty of the body, and this you feed directly by providing more excuses for it.


A man dies innocent, yet people riot; WHY? Is that not the goal of every human being, to die innocent? If one is killed in the Line of Duty, made a casualty of Civil War, then how is that not just as justifiable as the casualties of the American Civil War or the American Revolution? How can the citizen whose rights are provided by Law rebel against the Agent of Enforcement who preserves that Law? If the Criminal belongs among the Innocent, why bother to defend the Innocence of ANY one? Clearly, if you've spent time with those who were incarcerated, ESPECIALLY those who ascribe their incarceration to "racism", that laughably logocentric joke, then you must confess that these men and women are often practically incapable of collective moral reasoning the likes of which consolidates society. They are not WORTH our empathy, for their own empathy is confined to their proto-Fascistic cause.


Say what you will in jest, but at least Hegel was too smart for all of THAT. He EARNED his right to live. Others merely pretend towards it.



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