Monday, February 1, 2021

PROOF: Why We Need Gender Roles.

Existence is a series of Dualities.


One of the most fundamental dualities is that of masculinity and femininity.


This duality is intrinsic to Nature, ubiquitous throughout Culture, and universal across Cultures.


At its core is the paradoxical relationship between Creator and Consumer, or between Sender and Receiver.


One cannot at once Create and Consume, though it might be argued that Creation consumes its components.


One cannot at once Send and Receive, though it might be argued that certain technologies offer that option.


On the most fundamental level, beyond the technicalities and loopholes, we draw a definite distinction:


- Between Giving and Receiving an Order,


- Between Creating and Consuming a Work,


- Between domination and submission, etc.


While modern common sense recognizes the underlying kinship between Creation and Consumption, it is always in the context of the System. While the Agent cannot both send and receive simultaneously, at least not on the most fundamental level(s), the System comprising Multiple Agents can and MUST do both simultaneously in order to function. As such, the System is a paradox: a whole that is utterly dependent upon the Balanced Synthesis of Opposites which are Mutually Exclusive on its constituent levels.


Society is such a System,


as is General Human Life.


It stands to reason that we are born feminine.


A lifetime originates within the female body whose primary function in sexuality is Receptive, though the consequence of (pro)creation is often (re)production.


The infant body is passively receptive, however violently the infant cries for what the infant needs.


By the same token, the End of Life is characterised by decrepitude and finally unrelenting passivity.


A third of the interim is usually spent in a state of mental activity called Dream but physical passivity called Sleep.


This state of Sleep and Dream also represents the Intellectual Life, which is most active when the body is passive, though physical activity informs it over time.


The Intellectual Life strives also to understand Life as a Whole, including Birth, Death, the Interim, and everything that follows and precedes them.


It stands to reason, therefore, why the Ancients said the Soul was Female. What they meant was: it was FEMININE.


Receiving roles is not the same as plowing one's own course. The Child RECEIVES his or her Gender.


This Reception is not merely childish. It is FEMININE. To DO WHAT ONE is TOLD embodies PART of the ESSENTIAL BALANCE.


It thus follows that Obedience can be a Virtue, granted that whichever Force one chooses to Obey is Justified and Virtuous as well.


Following the Reception of one's Role, one either Becomes Creative or Remains Receptive to that same extent which the Authority prescribed.


The prescription need not be questioned insofar as the Authority is Legitimate.


The Legitimacy of the Authority is contingent upon the Authority Creating within predefined Limits.


If one is to Become Creative, (Masculine) one receives an Authority by default which also must operate within predefined Limits in order to be Legitimate.


These Limits are defined in part by that Authority which imparts its Authority upon the Recipient and in part by the Society which facilitates this transfer, whose Authority always surpasses that of any Agent, for the Agent of Authority is but the constituent part of which Society is the Whole System.


If one is simply to Remain Receptive, (Feminine) one need not be concerned with the Question(ing) of Authority.


No sensible person PREFERS Masculinity to Femininity, or vice versa, since a personal preference is never guaranteed to serve the Whole System.


It is the Whole System (of Society) that holds the Greatest Authority over the Legitimacy of how people use what Power they Receive.


There is never any reason to question the Whole System. By simply surpassing its Agents in Power it prevents abuses of Power. If ever an abuse of Power occurs, it is not through a failure of the System but a failure on the part of Agents to INVOKE the System.


Over time, enough such failures can hurt the System.


The System can become sick. This threatens everyone.


Our Current System is sick.


It suffers from a deficiency.


The System Works so long as Masculinity and Femininity coexist in mutual respect.


This has not been the case for quite some time, and numerous scholars and healers have taken notice.


Our sickness is a deficiency of Respect for Femininity.


Our sickness is a lack of Fundamental Obedience among the Agents.


Feminism is a sickness.


It is a symptom of our ongoing imbalance.


It is also a contributing factor to it...


Very early in Life I intuited this imbalance.


Encountering feminism in my early adolescence, I saw through it.


I found it ironic that it espoused nothing at all "feminine".


Feminism is merely concerned with women seeking male power to which male power did not entitle them.


Feminism promotes those with a preference for power. It also engenders this preference within a gender.


Feminism is egocentric and anti-Systematic. As such, it threatens all of us by appealing to each of us.


Those who advocate for philosophies such as Feminism do not see Society as a Whole but merely as parts.


The parts, even in sum, are smaller than the whole. (Aristotle.) The System is the Ultimate Authority.


Those who defy the System defy it only out of personal contempt for Other People.


Those who defy Authority abuse what Power they themselves have. When this is widespread, it is grave.


When the constituent parts of the Whole all begin to compete for Power to which they falsely believe themselves to be entitled, what you have is not merely a sum of parts which is lesser than that Whole, but rather an Abuse of Power which surpasses anything the System can control. Even if the System could be conceived of as an Abusive Authority, the resultant Mob is, by necessity, worse.


Feminism is not feminine.


Feminism is patriarchal.


Feminism is rightfully "womanism", for it concerns itself with Women as Individuals instead of the Feminine as Virtue.


It is this underlying Individualism which produces a Mob that subverts the Society.


Because each member of this Mob is behaving egocentrically, all female empowerment is illegitimate, and it is all Abuse.


Women do not matter.


Femininity matters.


Women and Men alike derive their Meaning from THAT, not from themselves.


Paradoxically, it is because we are ALL feminine intrinsically that That IS Ourselves.


We ARE femininity.


Our Sickness is a Sickness which afflicts our Souls as well as our Society.


Thus the paradox is this: that while Femininity is superior to both Women and Men, Women and Men ARE Femininity.


Yet insofar as Femininity is Part of a System and insofar as Femininity is a Subsystem greater than any Man or Woman, Femininity is GREATER than the SUM OF ITS PARTS. Thus it is greater than all of us.


What, then, can justify her brutal assault by the Feminists?


Certainly: Nothing Human.


In saying all of this I make no subjective claims.


All facts are objective until proven subjective by a Higher Authority.


Any Higher Authority must operate from a Higher Objectivity.


Otherwise, we would not doubt what our own minds and thoughts produce.


If the immediate objectivity of direct experience can only be supplanted by a Higher Objectivity, then Objectivity is inevitable.


There can be no further denial of a Truth existing.


To date, I have seen no Higher Objectivity to discredit these claims, nor do I have reason to expect one to do so.


Neither do I doubt that Human Nature will reveal itself where Human Culture labours towards concealment and deceit.


We are what we are Born to Be, not what we Choose.


Our Choice is simply to acknowledge what we are...


That is our only task as Individuals and as Society.



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