Monday, March 29, 2021

In SUMMARY: Towards a Sexual Majority.

Of all human impulses, it seems that none is at once so glorified and yet so systematically and universally repressed as Sexuality. If you believe that Sigmund Freud was biased by his culture when he claimed that all neuroses come from sexual repression, you should confess just HOW repressive his culture WAS TOWARDS sexuality and then observe the neuroses contemporary people have surrounding similar repressive tendencies, tendencies which, by and large, have become MORE severe, more bureaucratized and Kafkaesque, and more ABSURD and hard to comprehend than in ANY PREVIOUS SOCIETY.

If you are in your twenties, I feel sorry for you, because not only are you UNLIKELY to have sex, but you are also MORE likely to suffer abuse and alienation for even the SUSPICION of your sexual proclivities, though if you were to appeal to any sort of Common, Social Principle by which you would be rightfully entitled to better treatment you will find yourself confronting a Sisyphean task. On top of all of that, if you look to Popular Science and Statistics, you may very well feel even MORE alienated, since they IMPLY that as many as 97 per cent of adults have HAD sex before, yet there is neither evidence nor explanation for how this is possible, unless most of those adults BROKE several of the LAWS designed purely for the restriction of Sexual Behaviour.

It may be so that this peculiarly MODERN, bureaucratic form of Sexual Repression is quite recent. Were we inhabitants of the nineteenth-century, we might at least be able to appeal to a heteronormative Social Order that allowed for an objective and sensible standard for behaviour, and THEN and THERE we might say, "homosexuals I pity; homosexuals I must defend against the scorn of the ignorant and privileged masses." Yet with each passing year the L.G.B.T.Q. asserts more control over our lives, demolishing institutions such as Marriage and putting in their place a sort of pale surrogate under the same name. It is not that I mind the liberties others take, except that in their liberty they infringe upon my sanctity, for how can the modern man say, "I am ready to marry"? Feminists who push for men who are unfit for fatherhood to get vasectomies seldom preserve the proper station of the Father in the Household and the Workplace. A man can hardly get laid, much LESS father children and preserve his status as a legal citizen in high repute.

So: to Hell with minority ethics. They were devised with ALL of us in mind, for all of us are mere minorities within the eyes of postmodern thought, and yet these ethics REDUCED us to something less than Human, presuming that it was the Majority that was at fault for doing so. We all must STRIVE towards a Majoritarian Ethic if we are to REDEEM our Humanity. So: my heart goes out to my fellow sufferers, gay and straight alike, but it stops going when I hear even ONE of them speak of heterosexuals with ENVY. What injury can I subject you to in dispossessing you of Envy and Delusion? You are a minority of the VICTIMS; the VICTIMS are ALL of US, and I represent a greater number of us even in EXCLUDING you, though I wish I did not have to. In so representing MORE of us, I arrive closer to the HEART of the Matter: not heteronormativity, but the ABSENCE of any sensible System of Normativity at ALL. For who can make sense of the word "creepy"? How is one to FATHOM what is or is not "attractive" to OTHERS? And how is one, more importantly, to CIRCUMVENT these prejudices by appeal to a Universal? I may not be attractive to YOU, but SURELY I can become Attractive-as-Such, right? Or perhaps Attraction does not exist at all, but it is mere projection.


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