Thursday, March 11, 2021

Why I Look Like a Trump Card to the Shrinks Online:

Last year, I took a psychometric test that was aimed at determining whether I had the moral makeup of a Trump supporter or a Biden supporter. My results indicated that, according to my moral leanings, I was most likely to vote for Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election. Of course: I am NOT a Trump supporter, but perhaps not for the same reasons as most people vote for Biden; in that sense, the test was very accurate, though probably not in the manner it was supposed to have been. To me, Joe Biden embodied the cliché of the President We Need, whereas Donald Trump had always been the President We Deserved.

Why would I say such a thing? In short, I agree with Slavoj Zizek: Trump is the most POSTMODERN president this country has ever had. By “postmodern”, what is meant is that he has an ethic NOT of Consistency but rather of Inclusion. How is this possible in an ostensibly “conservative” icon who comes off as a bigot? Put simply: Trump is NOT a conservative. Donald Trump panders to conservatives just as Joe Biden panders to liberals. Neither man can deliver on his promises, nor SHOULD he, for the People protest too much.

Donald Trump’s Twitter history alone stands as a testament to a man whose mind answers to no logical authority. He rattles off on tangents, citing platitudes left and right, (though mostly right) but there is nothing there resembling an overlying Plan or Ethic. Yet remove Trump from the platform, as the Twitter staff did, and it does not look much better. Twitter inevitably PRODUCED a persona like Trump because it perpetually facilitates a mind like Trump’s: an incessant, rambling stream of unconsciousness devoid of Meaning. Trump is “postmodern” because WE are, and in this sense too he is the consummation of liberal individualism.

Trump represents a project that is older than its own memory, an enterprise spanning three centuries and fraught with confusion. Whenever Trump appears dictatorial or authoritarian, it is nothing but the inevitable consequence of unchecked individuality. Whenever we are so passionate in resisting bureaucracy that we become bureaucratic towards others, we become-Trump. As such, the Trump Administration represented a unique challenge for the American People: to either own up to ourselves or to blame each other. Any one of us has BEEN-Trump at one point or another, but it takes courage to ACKNOWLEDGE that fact; it is far easier to blame others by projecting Trump UPON them, and that is precisely what we did.

By this I do not mean to say that people are not WORTHY of contempt, especially when they behave in a Trump-like manner. Yet Trump supporters are not alone in these behaviours, and if one wonders why the Liberal Media is so repressive and adamant about “canceling” any vestige of Trump’s influence, as well as the “dark history” that made him possible, it is only because Liberal Media refuses to acknowledge its OWN sacred values as emblematic of that same dark history. Without “human rights”, there can be no “racism”; without “sexism”, there can be no “feminism”; without “the Elite”, there can be no “Equality”. These are not mere Taoist platitudes; these are observable trends, for in fact it was the “Right to Property” which perpetuated Slavery long before it was called “racism”, it was Sexism which made possible the rise of Feminism, both as the opposition to AND the implementation OF sexist practices, and it is the drive to be Superior and to evade Inferiority which compels men and women to want to be “Equal”. The Cancel Culture is nothing more than Scapegoating and Shadow Projection: the polar OPPOSITE of what one would expect of a Progressive Society which takes it as a matter of COURSE that History is fraught with inferiority. Liberal Media suppresses “conservative” tendencies so as to cover up its OWN kinship to Trump.

The psychometric test I took was “iffy”. In general, it’s a bad idea to confuse emotions, ethics, and politics as though they were one unit. Psychometrics of this kind seek to assess an individual’s subjective, emotive responses to political issues in order to determine that individual’s moral “leanings”, in turn producing a prediction for how that individual will vote.

I do not mean to say that human beings are “much too complex” to be analyzed; it is rather that politics, ethics, and emotions are much too complex to be EQUATED. Political Decisions are often grave matters requiring our best show of objectivity; it’s not that there is no room for emotion in this field, but emotion cannot be the Driving Force. Conversely, it is MORALITY which produces both our political views AND our emotional responses, but this Morality, because it produces our emotional responses, is NOT the product OF our emotional responses, and often when we have a “change of mind” we undergo a “change of heart” as well. This change in both does not always mean that we will make predictable political decisions, however, since it’s possible that maturity only compels us to see that NEITHER side is Right.

So: why do I maintain that Biden is the “right” choice? It is because he is a Moderate. Moderacy is not something I take pride in, yet it is necessary for the country NOW, for we have to recover from the lunacy and extremism of the Trump Administration. This is not to say that I BLAME Trump for this lunacy; he is our scapegoat and a fitting mascot for the Zeitgeist. The reason I appear to be a Trump supporter is that, while I DO support Biden, I do NOT think like so many of his other supporters. Biden supporters, according to this test, think entirely in terms of liberal platitudes, by no means more sensible or informed than Trump’s otherwise harmless antics. Biden APPEARS to these people as Trump appeared to the American “conservative”. It takes, perhaps, a man like Biden to see the TRUE Biden: a much-needed reprieve.


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