Saturday, April 29, 2017

Masculinity Tips for Women, delivered by an Experienced Man:

Masculinity Tips for Women, delivered by an Experienced Man.

It has been brought to my attention that this whole nefarious gender switch is not simply a corporate conspiracy to produce more C.E.O's, but that in fact men are changing as well, and not simply as a passive RESULT of feminism but rather as a consequence of mutual underlying causes.

One of the most powerful mystics I know insists that the Universe "mixed up all the vibrations". So now men are getting all the feminine ones and women are receiving the masculine ones.

But far from the romantic, naive notion that this will immediately transmute women into men and men into women, the cocoon phase we are stuck in puts women in the posture of boys and men in the posture of bitches.

So here are some friendly, helpful hints I have for both sexes (and I use that term interchangeably with gender, for reasons you have all ready surmised) on how to be a decent human being during these confusing times. May it nurture you as only a man playing the mother role can.


1. LISTEN TO MEN. Nothing could be more in accord with your underlying goals. Feminism has nothing feminine about it; it is all about owning the male role. If you want to get good at some thing, it would HELP to pay attention to some one with several millennia of experience in this medium. Okay?
2. TREAT MEN WELL. You should know how men treated boys who had not learned yet to respect the gentle sex. Now that gentlemen are the gentle sex, treat them with the same chivalry.
3. BE LOYAL. Being a guy means counting your sexual adventures and your money. Being a MAN means exercising reciprocity:
A. Love with love.
B. Trust with trustworthiness.
C. Courtesy with generosity.
D. Propriety with gratitude.
E. Existence with kindness.
Do these five and the rest will come of their own.
4. RESPECT TRADITION. People do not namedrop to sound smart and to gain ethos. They give credit where credit is due so that you can feel at liberty to supplement their knowledge with your own research. Carl Jung says that the neurotic rebels against the force of tradition that would hold him to well-trodden ways. Some things never change. Only the subtle man will notice them amidst the constant flux of novelty. Comprende?
5. LEARN TO PROVIDE. It's not all about you, either in the workplace, at the dinner table, on the podium, or in the bedroom. Don't be a d*ckhead.


1. BE A MOM. Learn to put up with women's bullsh*t with grace and tact. Have a say in your children's lives, BORN and UNBORN. It is significant that Trump signed a restriction on abortion whilst surrounded by men. These are the Mothers of the New Millenium, protecting the intrinsic value of a life that literally does not even HAVE a sex yet.
2. BE RECEPTIVE. You don't have to spend money every where you go to have a good time. You do not EVEN have to TALK to any one. Instead of standing up for yourself all the time, even when you KNOW you're wrong, learn the honour in backing down.
3. BE PATIENT. All good things come to those who wait. Slow and steady wins the race. Just don't do it in a passive-aggressive, toxic or sociopathic way. Learn to discern your passion from your aggression.
4. BE KIND. Women and men alike are going to suffer a lot of hardship during these times. Some times a smile and a reserve of judgment are all that one needs to feel one's self to be part of a Greater Force that can Heal.
5. BE. You might have noticed that all five of these imperatives begin with this word, whereas only ONE of the first five contained it. The masculine acts. The feminine IS.

Enjoy yourselves and each other.


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