Friday, April 14, 2017

Purification: Part Two.

You seem to believe that you can avail yourself of whatever is made available to you without answering to a Higher Authority.

This is false.

Simply the absence of force is not the absence of power. Soft power is by far more effective than hard power. And you have none. No one will ever condone what you did. No one would ever want to have happen what did happen to me. So no one would ever outwardly profess the same sin as though it were a virtue.

You believe that you are appealing to the stronger part of human nature: the one that wants to identify with the winner rather than with the loser.

You are mistaken.
No one regards you as a winner.
Every one regards you as a loser.
Including her especially.
She might tell you otherwise, but can it be denied she has lied and may continue to?

No one would support what you had done. No one would admit to doing hypothetically what you did in reality.

Because no one would want to be next. And arrogance is not so strong in men as you must believe it to be for you to think that they would presume it would not happen to them. Or that they could handle it if it did. Or that even if they could then it would justify the sufferings of those who cannot.

People are not so crazy as you are.


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