Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Tale of Cleansing:

You don’t think I’ve figured you out all ready?
At first I thought that may be it was just an attack upon my pride. But then I simply let my mind rest. It is all ways exhausted after I spend any time around you. You drain its energy, and rarely do I get it back. And promptly it becomes drained again!
It was not my PRIDE that you attacked, but simply my skepticism. In turn, my SKEPTICISM is an attack upon YOUR pride, apparently, and wherefore except that you mean to supplant my REASONING and your ego is bruised when you fail? At that point, your passive aggression turns to an uncontrolled, undisciplined outburst. And so it becomes obvious.
The most ridiculous of your devices is the attempt to employ GUILT. THIS is the reason that I can never pardon you. You pretend towards the victimhood of your own victims, so that they project their own self-image as victim upon YOU! This theft is impermissible. You exploit the conscience of your hosts in such a way that were I less clever or more compassionate I would do something TRULY worthy of Shame just to fight off a Guilt that is entirely secondary to reality!
So think not to condemn me ever again. It is obvious that such a game of zero-sum as you portray the World to be is little more than a parasite’s worldview, and that your fruitless leveling is simply part of the EROSION that is your function to perpetuate.
You do not build. You only destroy.

I KNOW that Alanna never slept again with Kresten.
You expect me to believe otherwise, even as you admitted to self-identification with a narcissistic manipulator? Even as your own PSYCHE STANDS AS EVIDENCE to the fact that you had FRAMED SOME ONE? And who might that be, if not a BLONDE WOMAN who was in pursuit of the TRUTH and in whom you had all ways SEEN YOURSELF and UPON WHOM you had chosen to displace your OWN WEAKNESSES?
I shall not do Alanna any more harm by believing your story.

And you will sleep in the bed you made.
I only let you sleep in the bed my parents made for you ONCE.
That was enough to produce my vision. And apparently I was not alone visited. I had managed to EXTRACT the Truth from you, for you in your narcissistic egoism had not yet even REALISED what that dream said of your OWN CONSCIENCE.

You dealt a death-blow unto your SELF when your anger betrayed you, just as it had in the Dream! And one would think that you would heed a last, DESPERATE Warning from the very person that you had NOT to piss off, for he was IN THE DREAM ITSELF your only refuge!

But such is the severity of your egoism.
Hence I cannot allow it any more.

Your anger betrayed you when you let it justify the LIE for which you can never provide evidence. Were there any SEMBLANCE of conceivable truth in that lie, it does not belong to you. Your devices are unfit for it.
How can you be so stupid as to say that you were ANGRY and that that was why you lied to me? And then you EXPECT me to believe you that you had been JUSTIFIED in lying? That you’d told the TRUTH, in fact?
You are no Joker. You are not a criminal mastermind. You are but a court fool.
This insults my very Sanity. This insults REASON its self.
You ADMITTED to the lie. You ADMITTED that you had no evidence. And you ADMITTED that your motive was both passionate and banal: Anger at Insulted Pride. I’d made you look bad in front of your friends.
Demand no more generosity from me. Not even by contradicting what I know all ready of you.
You chose to slander Alanna just because you wanted me to feel as angry as YOU were.
Just as you’d chosen to BLAME her for your OWN guilt.
And so you had done to me.
And to D. In your dream.

Sleep in your own bed now.


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