Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dream Journal One.

Dream Journal


My dream was set in Joann’s. This is not the first time. Perhaps as a comment upon the remodel, the store took on the character of an arena in mood, although geometrically it felt even smaller than it normally does.


(In waking life,) I am confused. My atonement with Jean and the rest of the overnight crew makes me feel hung over. I do not want to identify with this vile, wretched, uninspired energy.


Towards the end of the dream, Amanda was at the register.


Ironically, the dream feels positive.


Part of it was a computer game.


The metaphor of the arena suggests a noble fight: I must, having seen the depths of Jean’s depraved neuroses, and the raw nerve of that woman to attribute an ‘undisputable’ objectivity to her skewed perceptions, take my stance and fight the good fight to surmount this evil within myself.


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