Sunday, September 13, 2015

No True Slave.

In case they try to argue that no black man agrees with our take on race: (the No True Scotsman Fallacy)

1. We don't care. Look at how many people supported Hitler Mussolini Stalin and Mao. Truth is decided not by the masses but by Reason.
2. We niggas too. We are just as much minorities as any 'black person' you produce as witness. Your argument commits the No True Scotsman Fallacy.
3. If 'black' people are a minority, it is unlikely that we will have that many friends who are 'black' any way. Much less that they will agree PRECISELY with our views on race TO A T.
4. They commit the black and white reasoning fallacy. Which is more than  you might think it means, from the title. Just because others may not Totally agree with us does not mean that they Entirely disagree. Much as just because some body is not White that does not make the body Black.
5. So who is the Slave here? Liberal college professors are keen to silence the 'white man', by their own definitions of 'white', under the suspicion of his being the Master. But this is a horrid appeal to history. The white man is not the master and he never was. The 'white man' fled an other white man on a different continent, as a refugee, and used the free market to establish his self and his domain on new land. He bought into a trade provided him by 'black men' on an other continent, and he won the war against the 'red man' over the land rights because he
A. Knew the Naturalist Fallacy, which would suggest that just because you were here first does not mean that others do not deserve to be here.
(Naturalism, incidentally, insofar as it is linked to Romanticism, can be a precursor towards Fascism.)
B. Probably figured that the red man would not mind, for as Chief Seattle pointed out the Indian has little interest in land ownership (oh how far they've fallen from Seattle's wisdom.)
And C. Some how had a plan for killing less buffalo and destroying fewer forests whilst making the country habitable for every colour of person imaginable to the average American. Oh and he all so BROUGHT the systems of law and order that the red man accuses of being oppressive because he was excluded initially from it. (Who would have thought that the red man would OBJECT to the white man's style of law and order? It was not as though the white man him self fled a corrupt system of law and order where he left from. SURELY the red man would have agreed to the white man's system right off the bat!)
6. But why dwell on the past? After all: we only have our horribly simplified views of history. Each perspective has more to do with the childhood of the speaker than any claim to historical omniscience.
Here is a quandary, how ever: how was it that so many Germans supported the killing of so many Jews? Well. SURELY the Germans were justified in defense against the Jewish Menace that sought to conquer the entire world! The Masters had to be silenced! They knew them selves to have been the true Slaves from having read Hegel, JUST AS HAD Dr Martin Luther King Junior.

But what happens when we reverse our thinking, Zen-fashion? Supposing the past did not matter, or! rather, the present emanated NOT from what's passed but what is yet to come? In THAT case, the silencing of the white man renders HIM the slave, for after all, as Camus said, the definition of a slave is some one whom you can get angry at but who can SAY NOTHING IN RETURN.

So if the black man is clearly the master in this scenario, then why value what HE has to say? He would gladly seize power if it is guaranteed without effort, co-writing the historical narrative to portray his self as victim. How do we know this? Every instance of Fascism in history follows this pattern. As a Jew my self  I refuse him any solidarity in this projekt.

But to silence any one, black white or grey, is to simply flip the Hegelian tables yet again. So enough of Hegel's March of Progress and his Historicity. Freedom is in forgetting, which we translate: GETTING OVER IT. Look at the real statistics. There are only two classes in this country, and the people in power, who WANT us to be divided, are their selves a minority. You do not get any special privileges by manipulating pity and history; if you are truly a victim you do not need the world to know. You are just as much a slave as any one else and no more so.

7. Our friend Tyrone once said that some of the most prejudiced people he knew were black people. He lived in his home town of Compton California after graduating from UC Berkeley. After nearly dying by gun fire he gave up drug dealing and became Palomar College's janitor.

May be he does not agree with our case in its entirety. We are adults. We can agree to disagree. We only have provided what our reasoning and our experience has blessed us with. That is not privilege but a blessing. Each of us has been through suffering and marginalisation you cannot imagine, and we overcame it rather than blaming circumstance. Time to grow up and get over problems you had no part in. You are not a product of the past but of the future. And our future will all ways out-shine yours, for it is one without race or prejudice. And it is all so our present, for we at least can Acknowledge the silliness of race and history. You have yet to see it as a joke.


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